Knowhow-Now Article

Get In Shape With A Busy Schedule

Are you constantly doing something. Do you still want to get into great shape? Then you've come to the right spot. I'm going to give you a few tips and tricks I've assembled so that you can get fit without having to put a whole lot of time or effort into. If you stick to my routine, you'll find that after a while you'll start looking and feeling better!

Start off every morning with a few jumping jacks. Not only are these great exercise, but they'll also get your heart pumping and wake you right up. I personally do about fifty of them each morning. After you've done some jumping jacks, you'll find you're ready to start your morning! You're probably not going to want to do exercise as soon as you get out of bed, but if you push yourself to do it, I guarantee you'll feel better throughout the day.

Any time you find yourself standing, whether it's in line at the grocery store or in front of the stove while you cook, do some standing calf raises. How do you do this? Stand with your legs shoulder length apart and raise up onto the ball of your foot. Then slowly lower yourself back down. These are really simple to do but they build up calf muscles very easily.

Tip: Many people work toward their fitness goals by going to the gym to lift weights. All you need are six exercises.

If you're spending time on the phone, reading a book, or watching TV, then do some static wall sits while you do it. How do you do this? It's actually really easy. Stand against a flat wall, then lower yourself down into a sitting position. It should look like you're sitting in a chair, but without the chair. Hold this position for as long as you possibly can. It may seem easy at first but trust me, after a minute or two, you'll feel the burn in your legs.

Whenever you have a few free minutes, drop down and do some sit ups or push ups. Remember these tedious things from elementary school gym classes? If you're anything like me, you probably dreaded them. But now they're quick and easy exercise techniques that can help you get fit without a whole lot of time or effort.

Of course, there's also the obvious fitness tricks. Park further away from your destination, always take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. While these alone aren't going to get you in marathon condition, they'll definitely help improve your overall fitness level. Plus, they burn a couple extra calories and even only a couple extra calories burned can make a huge difference in your fitness.

Remember that weight loss doesn't happen overnight. Since this routine isn't a very high impact routine, it'll take you a while before you see the results. This routine is designed for someone who doesn't have much time in their schedule for exercise. The trick to this routine is to do it regularly so that you're burning more calories on average than you used to do.

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