Knowhow-Now Article

Green Tea Benefits For The Skin

Green Tea has been known to be beneficial to the Chinese since way back when and more recently to the entire world. Green tea benefits the body in so many ways like detoxification, as well as in preventing conditions like cancer, diseases of the heart and gums, and aging. Other than these enumerated benefits that one may derive from green tea, it is can do wonders for the skin too. There have been several reviews as to its effects when applied topically.

So what exactly are the green tea benefits for the skin? Here are some of them:

*Green Tea Fights Free Radicals. Free radicals are molecules that lack electron. Thus they are unstable and when exposed to the harsh elements like the sun, the effects are seen as harsh skin manifestations. Green tea benefits include fighting free radicals by the use of catechins, a potent antioxidant.

*Green Tea Neutralizes UV Light- One of the green tea benefits is to neutralize the damages done by UV rays on the skin as shown in several studies. This was established in the study by the Case Western Reserve University in which green tea was applied as a shield against sunburn. Since sunburn is one of the leading causes of early aging, it is sensible to say that green tea could protect the skin against premature wrinkling and aging.

*Green Tea Prevents Skin Cancer – In a study conducted by the American Chemical Society, it was proven that one of the green tea benefits is that skin cancer can be prevented through blocking a harmful enzyme known as JUNK-2. Another study done in the UK discovered that individuals who regularly drink two cups of tea per day has a lower risk by 65% of developing a cancer of the skin called squamous cell carcinoma. To increase its anti-cancer properties, the drink may be combined with lemon.

Green tea benefits on skin is so wide in range. It does not, however, work like magic. It must be taken regularly to optimize it’s effects. The metaphoric quest for the fountain of youth ends here, as the vibrancy of youth is offered by the incredulous Chinese green tea benefits.

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