Knowhow-Now Article

Helping Your Child Deal With A JRA Diagnosis

When a child is diagnosed with arthritis, the impact of the disease is felt by the entire family. Not only can juvenile rheumatoid arthritis affect how active a child is in school and sports, but it can also impact their ability to complete their classwork and schoolwork. Still, it is possible to live a normal and healthy life with JRA; it is important, though, that parents and other family members are there to support and encourage their young person in any way they can. This article will give a few ideas on how to do that.

First, do not act as though something is wrong with your child. They will take their cues from you; if you are upset and bemoan the fact that your child has JRA, they will view it as something that is impacting the quality of their life. If, however, you reinforce to them that they can continue living life the way they want, with a few modifications, they will believe that as well. Set the tone for your entire family. Be positive, but also make sure to listen and empathize if your child is having a day filled with pain.

Tip: Keeping an arthritis journal can actually help you control your symptoms. Each time your arthritis is bothering you, write about what you do that day in your journal.

Don't skip doctor's appointments or neglect your child's care in any way. While life can get very busy, particularly if your children are in school, you must make the time to go to regularly scheduled medical visits. In addition, no matter how old your child is, you must take an active role in their care. If the doctor suggests that your child engage in certain exercises to help them, make sure that they do them. While everyone wants their children to be dependable and assume responsibility for themselves, when it comes down to it, they are still children. You need to help them set the routines that will be important for them in their future.

Help your child understand the importance of physical activity. While there will be days that your child does not feel like doing anything, lead by example. Start a family tradition of going for a walk or a bike ride after dinner, and come up with physical games that everyone can play together. It is important that your child stretch and move their joints, although how active they can comfortably be depends on the severity of their condition. Through trial and error, you will learn what works well for him or her.

Tip: You cannot plan when your arthritis will flare, so plan your activities accordingly. If you prepare and plan for arthritis problems before they happen, you will not be disappointed if symptoms show and you have to take a break.

Meet with the administration at your child's school and work closely in conjunction with them and your child's teacher to create a plan with modifications that will help your child do well in school. For instance, bubbling in a test sheet may be too difficult for your child; with some persistence and work on your part, he or she may eventually qualify for the modification that allows them to simply circle the answer in their test booklet instead.

A diagnosis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis does not mean that your child is sentenced to a life of pain and frustration. Take the lead in helping him or her adjust to their condition and move forward with hope.

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