Knowhow-Now Article

Here's Help For Your Nagging Arthritis Pain

Any form of arthritis can bring unbearable pain, but there are steps you can take to minimize it. The following article offers some helpful tips that will ease your arthritis pain and enable you to get more from your day.

1. Watch what you eat. Healthy foods are now more important than ever for you. Certain things like fish and fruit can provide you with amazing results in terms of reducing pain and inflammation. Have a chart handy of which foods will offer you the most benefits and take it with you when you go shopping. Avoid bringing anything into your home that is over processed or contains excess sodium, sugar and other unhealthy ingredients.

Tip: Play in the dirt. Digging in the dirt can be very therapeutic for sore hands.

2. Try supplements. Most people suffering from arthritis are deficient in one nutrient or another, be it calcium or C. These vital elements may not be available in high enough concentrations in your foods, so you will need to find them in additional sources.

3. Use thermal therapy. Heat can provide you with much needed relief from the aches and pains of arthritis. Try heating pads, wraps and a warm bath for all-over remedy. Especially after a long hard day or any particularly strenuous physical activity, you need the benefits of relaxing heat therapy.

Tip: Take your medication like you are supposed to. Many arthritis sufferers will only take their medication if they are in pain, and forget it later.

4. Inflammation reducing medicine. There are a great number of options available in medications today and some show great promise. Don't just ask your doctor about them though, take it a step further and do online research or join forums where people discuss these topics freely. Some medicines work well for some people, but not all. There are potential side-effects you should be aware of, as well as trials you might be interested in. Definitely do your homework when it comes to medicine.

5. Regular stretching and fitness routines. Each morning when you first get up, try a few minutes of gentle stretching. Stand firmly on both feet for support, and raise your arms, bend to the left and right and reach slowly for your toes. Easing into your day is far better than a jolt! Check with your physician before picking up a workout routine, to make sure it's not going to be damaging. Low-impact activities such as biking, walking and swimming are usually suitable and helpful for those who suffer from arthritis.

Tip: Be careful of what herbal remedies you take for arthritis and be sure you speak with your doctor before taking them. People think that because herbal remedies are natural, that they are healthy for you.

6. Be information-savvy. Things advance quickly in the world of modern medicine, and you want to know about the latest trends. Have reliable sources for discovering the latest in treatment, exercises, nutrition and research. Make certain your source is reputable; many websites are more self-serving than patient-caring and may not have the best intentions. Try major medical research companies and universities, for starters.

7. Adopt a helper. Maybe there is a kid in your neighborhood who shovels snow and mows lawns in exchange for a few dollars. Or perhaps you have a niece or nephew who loves to visit and would be more than happy to help you around the house or yard over the course of a weekend spent with you. Although being active is an essential part of your health, pushing yourself too far can have painful consequences so ask for help whenever you need it.

Although arthritis does present you with some challenging and painful obstacles, you can use the tips from this article to improve your quality of life. Always check with your doctor for the latest helpful information and to make sure you are doing all that you can for yourself.

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