Knowhow-Now Article

How Resistance Training For Women Promotes Wellness

When it comes to getting fit, women need something attuned to their bodies. First of all , women normally go through child-bearing which depletes the calcium levels in her body. As a result, women become more susceptible to bone fractures or osteoporosis as they get older which calls for stronger bones. Also, women are less physically stronger than men; however, certain activities like carrying a child can put much strain on her body. Plus,women nowadays almost perform same job functions as men as they become soldiers ,drivers or even construction workers.

A very good way to prepare women to such challenges in daily life is to promote resistance training for women.

Tip: It is incredibly important to keep a fitness journal with you when you visit the gym. This can be something very simple, such as a notebook, or even a complex computer program that helps to keep track of all types of data.

In resistance training, muscles develop as it exerts effort to carry certain load. Most people often mistake resistance training with strength training; they have different purposes because the latter is aimed at building strength.Strength training is mostly pursued by men since they use it build more strength to join competition or sculpt their bodies. On the other hand,resistance training for women is a type of physical conditioning that emphasize toning muscles and building strength. Typically, women dislike having flabby and sagging muscles in various parts of their bodies. Resistance training for women can address such issues and provide other health benefits such as:

Tip: Keep your workout machines and dumbbells in order. Use the smaller weights first and work your way up to the larger weight like barbells and bench presses, and then eventually work your way up to a machine.

1. Develop stronger bones and muscles. Lifting some light weights or using your own body weight promotes stronger bones and muscles.As the body adjusts to carrying heavier objects, muscles break down but rebuild soon that makes it stronger. In a short span of time, women can lift heavy objects with ease and prevent themselves from straining too much. Stronger bones means delay in acquiring joint problems and avoiding hip fractures.

Tip: A great fitness tip to build up your quadricep muscles is to start doing hack squats. Hack squats are a bit different than regular squats because you hold the bar behind you, and lower it to the ground.

2. Develop physical fitness. Most resistance training exercises for women involve circuit training. In circuit training, the break in between routines are kept short to maintain a woking heart rate found in aerobics. Swinging kettle bells is a good exercise because it requires whole body movements which can be as rigorous as sprinting for a short time. Also, metabolism runs faster making the body burn more fat that accelerates weight loss. Weight loss provides wellness to women.

Resistance training for women do matter a lot because women's bodies get stronger and healthier that increases longevity.

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