Knowhow-Now Article

How To Adjust To Your Arthritis Diagnosis

For many people, getting a diagnosis of arthritis is a life-changing event. Some people become depressed, withdraw from others, and live with pain for the rest of their lives. Others take a few days or weeks to absorb the news and then make adjustments in their lives to help them live well despite the arthritis. If you'd like to live better with arthritis, read on to learn how you might do that.

If you want to live a proper life with arthritis, the most important thing to do is learn everything you can about it. Talk to your doctor about arthritis. Find out exactly what your diagnosis means, what symptoms you are likely to experience and how you can reduce your pain. This will help alleviate fear and arm you with the facts you need to live the best life possible.

Tip: Exercise is one of the best medicines for arthritis. It is a great help in reducing pain and stiffness in your joints.

Don't just take your doctor's word for things, however. Do your own research and learn how others have managed their arthritis and what treatments have worked for them. In addition to learning about the disease itself, search online for other people who have arthritis. Check Youtube and other video-sharing sites for videos by people who are living with arthritis and look online for websites that offer arthritis sufferers the opportunity to interact with and support one another. Find as many success stories as possible; you need to fill yourself with hope so that you will be motivated to seek the best life possible for yourself.

As you do your research, you may learn about experimental or alternative treatments. Research these as thoroughly as possible on your own to find out if they really work and if they are safe to try. Treatments that don't involve drugs or supplements are usually safe to try on your own--for example, if someone recommends hot baths or dietary changes, you can usually just try these. Talk to your doctor about herbal supplements to make sure they won't interact with any medications you take before trying them. You also may want to talk to your doctor about any diet or exercise plan you are embarking upon so that you can make sure it is safe and will help your symptoms instead of making them worse.

Tip: Make sure your doctor is knowledgeable on the subject of arthritis. Some doctors have had extensive training in the field, and know better and more effective treatments than other doctors might.

In addition to being pro-active about your condition, you need to make the effort to connect with your family and friends. Many people with arthritis suffer in silence because they don't want to "burden" their friends and family. This only leaves them feeling isolated and alone with both their physical and emotional pain. Talk to your friends and family about what you need. This will reduce your stress level--which can help reduce arthritis symptoms--and allow you to continue to enjoy your relationships.

Taking positive steps to handle your condition will allow you to have a higher quality of life. It will also help you relieve stress so that you have less arthritis flare-ups. Use the advice in this article to help you improve your quality of life following your arthritis diagnosis.

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