Knowhow-Now Article

How To Create An Efficient Mobile Marketing Campaign

Are you thinking about launching a mobile marketing campaign? Go over the following article to learn how you can create an efficient mobile marketing campaign.

You need to learn more about the habits of your customers before launching a mobile marketing campaign. Communicate with your customers, and have them answer to surveys to get a better idea of the kind of mobile devices they use. Assess their interest in this platform, and find out how likely they are to use their mobile phones to research the products they want to buy. Mobile marketing is more adapted to certain age groups and subcultures but trends can change. You should keep learning about new trends and technologies available. Communicate with your audience to find out about the new technologies they are interested in.

Tip: A time tested and proven method to get a leg up on competitors is to be mindful of what they are doing. You need to be unique and noticeable when being judged among your competition.

Use text alerts to share exclusive information about new products or promotional offers such as coupon codes and flash sales. Text alerts are a very good option since this option is available to everyone. You should place a subscription form on your site for these alerts, and make your customers comfortable about subscribing by only asking for a name and a phone number. Assure your subscribers that you will not share their phone number, and only send out one text alert a week. Make sure your text alerts include a link or a code so recipients can easily unsubscribe.

Tip: Investigate your target market. If you assume you already know their needs, you're probably going to end up wasting money on your mobile marketing strategies.

A mobile website is a great way to reach out to your audience if your customers are likely to browse the Internet with their mobile phone. You should purchase a .mobi domain name and find a good mobile site building tool. Choose a very simple design for your mobile site so it can be loaded very quickly. Keep in mind that your mobile website will be seen on very small screens. Use it to share some basic information about your brand and perhaps to draw attention to a new product or discount, but encourage your audience to visit your regular website to get more information about your brand or products.

Tip: When it comes to mobile marketing you need to optimize your search engine results for your mobile site. Use Google as a good starting point since most of the searches that are done on mobile phones are with Google.

Develop some apps if your customers own Smartphone, iPhones or tablets. You can develop some very simple apps thanks to app building tools, but you will have to hire a professional or learn about coding yourself if you want to develop some games or more complex apps. You should be able to create an interactive version of your catalog or user's manuals. Think of your apps as products you release. You could create a very negative image of your brand if you release an app that is filled with errors. Keep track of how many customers download your apps and get some feedback on your different apps. If your apps are successful, use them as freebies to offer more valuable content to your best customers.

These different strategies should help you create a very efficient mobile marketing campaign. Do more research on this platform, and be sure to measure the interest of your audience before launching this new marketing campaign.

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