Knowhow-Now Article

How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

Your blog is up and running, but there is no one reading it. What do you do next? How can you get people to read your posts? This article will let you know some secrets top bloggers use to ensure they get people visiting and reading their blogs. If you want to boost your readership, continue reading below.

The most important step to take, if you want to increase your visitor numbers, is to optimize your blog for search engines. There are many techniques for doing this, from including key phrases in your URL and titles to including a site map on your blog, but these techniques are changing rapidly. Every time Google updates its algorithms, SEO methods have to catch up to it. That means you should research advice which is current to ensure you aren't engaging in changes which won't actually help you out. Find some articles on the topic written recently and use their advice.

Tip: Try to be authentic. Avoid displaying yourself as the absolute expert in everything.

Consider what sites people who would enjoy your content already visit. For example, if you write about recipes for diabetics, you could post on forums geared towards those with diabetes and include the link to your blog in your signature, if that is allowed. You could also join groups for diabetics on Facebook while including a link to your site in your profile. Swapping links with other sites can help increase the exposure of your blog, so find similar blogs which are already popular and trade links with them.

Trading blog posts is another way to share traffic with blogs on the same topic as yours, or at least a similar topic. For example, if you share ideas for a green household, you could swap posts with a blog about cloth diapering. Both are environmentally friendly ideas, and the audience of both blogs is likely quite similar in their demographics. You could also swap posts with a blog about green architecture, environmentally friendly gardening or healthy eating. The same people who read those blogs will likely be interested in the content of your posts, so reaching out to them is a great idea. Be sure to write a post on the topic of the blog you're posting on, but include your topic as well.

Tip: Guest bloggers are a great boon to blogs. Doing this will give your blog some extra quality content.

Use social media to get the word out about your blog. First, add sharing links to your posts so that those who already read them can share them with their followers. Next, create social media accounts for your blog so that you can share your posts there and engage in conversation with you readers. Be sure to post on other people's accounts with your site's account to spread the word that you exist and enjoy the topics you are discussing.

Writing great posts is lovely, but doesn't do much unless there is someone out there to read them. Share with the world what you have to say by pushing your blog out to the masses. This article has shown you how to do it, so follow these steps and start getting the word out.

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