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How To Exercise With Arthritis

No one wants to be diagnosed with arthritis, but the truth of the matter is, many people are. Just because you receive the news does not mean you have to stop living life. You can still do many of the same things you did before the arthritis diagnosis, and that includes exercise. In fact, exercising when you have arthritis can help your pain and other symptoms associated with the condition. The following article contains some helpful information concerning arthritis and exercise.

Exercise is great for anyone with arthritis. Try to add some sort of moderate exercise to your daily schedule. Even if it is a short walk, that is better than nothing. With consistent daily exercise, you will find that your arthritis' symptoms can be eased and you can feel much better. The key to the exercise helping you feel better is consistency.

Tip: Do as much reading and researching as you can to learn about all the new innovations in arthritis therapy, both in the mainstream world of medicine and in a vast variety of alternative therapies. By knowing what's available to you, you will be able to create the most effective and creative therapy plan to address your arthritis pain needs.

If you are new to exercise, it is important that you do not jump in full steam ahead. Begin slowly with your exercise routine. As you feel more comfortable with exercise and the exercises that you do are becoming easier for you, increase the time you exercise and the intensity. It is important to remember, though, if something hurts you need to stop and decrease the time or the intensity of which you are doing that exercise.

Sometimes arthritis can cause you a lot of pain. If this is the case, only exercise when you feel able to. If certain days or times during the day you feel a lot of pain, do not make yourself exercise. By doing so, you can cause even more pain. If your joints are hot, you should also avoid excess exercise during that time. You do not have to be totally still, but only do what you think your body can handle and what your doctor recommends.

Tip: When used with a combination of medicines and other treatments, hypnosis has been proven to help with arthritis. Although doctors are not sure why, patient studies have shown that hypnosis can ease arthritis pain in up to 75% of patients.

While it is true that moderate exercise can help relieve some of your arthritis, it is not necessarily true that the more you do the better you will feel. It may seem like since a little exercise makes you feel a little better that a lot of exercise can make you feel lots better. That is not the case. Keep your exercise at a moderate level for best results and if something seems like it is too hard, stop and only do what you can.

What is your body telling you? Does it love the exercise and feel better after a good workout? If so, keep working out and doing what your body craves. Or, is your body in tremendous amounts of pain following a workout? If this is the case, the exercise amount, time or intensity you are doing is not what your body needs. Monitor what your body is telling you and alter your exercise accordingly.

Use the information shared in this article to help you use exercise to manage your arthritis. Not only is exercise good to help you lose weight and get healthier, but it is great for relieving the pain and other symptoms that arthritis can cause.

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