Knowhow-Now Article

How To Handle The Holidays With Social Media Marketing

Social media sites play an important role in growing your business during any time of the year. During the holidays, it's important to realize the opportunity you have to capitalize on all of those extra profits out there. Keep reading to learn how to handle the holidays with social media marketing.

Tip: Make your Twitter account and you LinkedIn account work together! This way, you can follow any professional contacts you have on Twitter, while allowing them the opportunity to do it, as well. This gives your tweets a trusted and professional feel, and helps build a larger network of professionals within your industry.

When advertising during the holidays, you need to get in the holiday spirit. Part of doing this is spicing up your website with some holiday content and perhaps a nice holiday background. If it's Easter, maybe you can use a background of the Easter Bunny. Relate the holiday to your business in any way that you can. If you stand out during the holidays, people will notice you. They are looking for holiday-related content.

Tip: Answer any questions your followers ask and respond to comments they make to engage them in conversation. Whenever questions get asked answer them, and express gratitude to anyone that mentions you.

When sharing this content, you need to make sure there is diversification. Post some really cool images that draw on people's attention. How about sharing a video! It is easier during the holidays to relate content to current events, so you must capitalize on this matter.

Tip: Use a like box for Facebook on the upper right hand corner of your blog page. This lets people "like" you for Facebook.

Special events during the holidays must be in place. Do you have a contest going? Perhaps there is a nice sale with plenty of discounts. Whatever the case may be, you must provide your customers with some kind of incentive. They will not shop with you if you don't because they are able to find discounts elsewhere.

Tip: If you get a follower on Twitter, be sure to follow them back. Most Twitter users expect this courtesy.

Make sure you're always integrating your social media marketing efforts with your traditional advertising methods. Networking your online and offline presence together is essential for you to capitalize on the opportunities that await you during big events.

Tip: Have you got an RSS feed? If so, you should add subscription buttons on all your social media pages. The idea here is that you want your blog readers to be able to subscribe to your latest content.

Generating excitement with your content is key. During exciting times, you must grab at the attention of the public. Use specific keywords in your posts, and if possible, try to link up with another site or business that complements your products. This will help you keep ahead of the competition.

Tip: It is important that you follow the crowd in order to develop your target audience. For example, if you operate a DIY site or something of that nature, you can track your potential customers down.

Speaking of the competition, you don't want to lose out to them without even knowing what they have planned. Visit their pages so that you can see what they are going to be doing for the holidays. Get creative, and think of ways you can outdo them.

Tip: Using LinkedIn with your social media marketing strategy is always a smart move. In fact, you can link your pages directly together using a blog app.

Holidays are also a time for giving. You know that if you give then you end up getting back. This shouldn't be your motivation, but your business focus should definitely be on giving during the holidays. Establish yourself in your community, and help others. If you can do this on a larger scale, take advantage of doing so. People want to do business with helpful people, and they will trust you so much more. Always make it a point to give to charity and give back to the world, especially during the holidays.

During the holidays, there are so many things you can do to use social media marketing to capitalize on the profits. Keep in mind the helpful advice you have read so that you can develop a solid plan to take on the holidays with your social media marketing efforts for your business.

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