Knowhow-Now Article

How To Live With Your Arthritis

Arthritis is a very serious condition that affects over 46 million people in the United States alone. If you are one of these people, then you are probably searching for methods of decreasing the extreme pain. Continue reading to learn more about how to live with this condition.

First, it is important that you diagnose the type of arthritis you have. There are all types of arthritis that exist. In fact, there are over 100 types. However, the two most common types include osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. The former wears and tears on your muscles, and the latter is a type of inflammatory arthritis that occurs whenever your immune system isn't working right. Other types of arthritis include gout, lupus, septic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and many more. It is important that you know what type of arthritis you have so that you can get proper treatments for it. Not all arthritis is the same.

Tip: Take your time with major clean up tasks if arthritis is a part of your life. Major cleaning tasks, like mopping and changing bed sheets, put a strain on your body.

One of the best things you can do when you have arthritis is doing regular exercise. Research has proven that exercise has many benefits for people with arthritis. First, it helps reduce your joint pain and stiffness. Second, it helps increase your flexibility and muscle strength. Third, it makes you feel better because it releases endorphins into your body.

There are three types of exercise you should do. The first is range-of-motion exercise, such as dancing. This helps to relieve any stiffness and improve flexibility. The second is strength training exercise. This increases your muscle strength, which helps to protect your joints. The third is aerobic training, which helps to improve your cardiovascular health and control your weight. Those with arthritis need to maintain a healthy weight because excess weight increases the pressure on your joints.

Tip: Through exercise, you can improve your arthritis symptoms as well as improve your overall health and fitness. Exercise helps keep your joints moving and it strengthens the muscles around your joints.

It can be difficult to know when you have pushed yourself too hard. After all, you need to be uncomfortable when exercising, but you don't want to be in actual, severe pain. Most doctors agree that if your exercise is causing you to be in severe pain for over an hour after you have finished, then you are pushing yourself too hard. Be sure to use hot and cold packs whenever you exercise to reduce pain and swelling.

It's important that you know about the different drugs you can take for arthritis. One of them is methotrexate, which helps treat rheumatic conditions. It helps reduce pain and swelling and can lower the risk of any permanent disability. Another is prednisone, which is an anti-inflammatory medication that helps to treat inflammatory kinds of arthritis. There are all types of medications out there.

Tip: Get your vision checked regularly. People who suffer from arthritis are much more likely to have issues with their eyes as well.

Finally, this all leads to the most important tip of all, which is to visit your doctor on a regular basis. Only he or she knows what exercise and medication is best for your body. What is right for one person may not be for another one. Your doctor is an expert for a reason.

As long as you follow some sensible advice, such as the advice given above, you can reduce your arthritis pain. Utilize this advice today in order to improve your arthritis symptoms and enjoy a higher quality of life.

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