Knowhow-Now Article

Make money from your large garden

If you are fortunate enough to have a large garden, you may be sitting on top of a gold mine. Using your garden space to make some money can be an excellent side earner and can help to cover the costs of make money from your gardenupkeep. Here are a few methods to help you earn some cash from your land:


Hosting Parties

Renting out your land for parties can be a great way to earn some money during the summer months. There is a very large market for events such as: weddings, birthdays, work events etc. and most will be willing to pay upwards of $60 a head!


To start renting out your garden you first need to pick a market. If you have a very large garden, you may wish to target parties for larger turnouts, like weddings. If your garden is not very big, you may wish to host smaller, more intimate events such as birthday parties. Once you have decided the market you wish the target you can start to prepare your land for the events, making sure the area is clear and there is plenty of space for things like marques. Having outdoor power can be a huge bonus as this means people hiring your garden can use things such as lights, DJ equipment and fridges.


Once your garden has all of the appropriate features in place, you can begin to advertise your available space. Using online outlets such as craigslist you can reach a wide audience for very little effort. There are also private party organisation companies that may list your venue on their systems and will arrange all of the party details with you, then they pass on the fee’s they take to you. Meaning you can make money, with little effort.


Start a class

If you are green fingered, it may be very profitable to use your garden to teach a class on gardening. Private lessons can fetch upwards of $200 a session and, because you can host multiple lessons on any given day, can be a very fast way of making some extra (seasonal) cash. If you do not have much gardening experience, you could also take a course yourself. This will teach you the skills you need to be on your way to becoming a certified gardening instructor. Teaching you valuable skills such as: Pruning, trimming, weeding, lawn care and much more.


If you wish to start giving private lessons on groundskeeping/gardening it may be an idea to speak with your bank to see if they have any business advice they can give you, they will also be able to tell you the legalities of charging for a service and should be able to help with things such as taxes.


Once legalities are in order you can start to advertise your services, again, using something like craigslist to advertise can be a good way to drawer people in, but you can also use targeted websites specialising in gardening related content to advertise.


Start an open cinema

This one is a fun one. Buy buying a projector and a screen you can start to host your own outdoor cinema. Obviously this has fairly high initial costs but the rewards can be much higher than your initial investment. It is a good idea to check with local authorities on the legalities of screening certain films. Learn what you can, and can’t, screen and you should be good to go. Open air cinema type events can easily pull in $10 per person and over the course of a few screens could quickly earn your investment back!


Due to this being a seasonal event, it may be a good idea to rent equipment until you earn enough to buy your own. This has the advantage of being able to be returned while not in use, on days such as weekdays, and will save you the initial outlay of an expensive projector.


Grow and sell fresh produce

This method will not earn you money as quickly as the others, but it can be far more rewarding. Growing your own organic vegetables, and then selling them to markets or individuals, can give you a great sense of pride and achievement. Learning the art of perfectly growing your own veggies can take some time, but people will pay for quality. If you have a large enough plot, you could even host a small market on your land and allow others to also sell their own produce.



I hope you are able to use some of these ideas to bring in some extra cash using your land to the best of it’s potential. Best of luck.

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