Knowhow-Now Article

How To Manage Your Family And Arthritis

If you have been diagnosed with arthritis, one of your first thoughts may be about your family. It is hard enough to manage family life without the presence of a condition that can cause pain and inflammation; with it, the challenges simply increase. If you are concerned about how you will be able to handle everything on your plate, it is important to remember that there are many other people that are in the same situation you are. You can effectively still run your household, and even hold down a full-time job if that is what you want, while battling arthritis. The following advice can help you to be successful.

First, find out everything you can about your disease. Knowledge truly is power, and the Internet can be an important resource in your hunt for information. However, keep in mind that much of what you will find deals with individual experiences and opinions. You should always go over an idea that you glean from the Internet with your doctor, who can either validate what you want to do or give you an alternative suggestion to try. Each time you go to an appointment, make sure to bring a list of anything you have discovered on your quest for knowledge. Remember that the medical professional is there to help you, so don't feel shy about discussing anything that is on your mind. Also bring a pencil so you can make notes about what he or she says in response to your questions.

Tip: Beating the fatigue associated with rheumatoid arthritis isn't easy, but there are ways to keep it under control. For example, stick to a schedule every day - even on the weekend - as to when you go to bed and when you get up in the morning.

Seek out others who are in the same situation that you are. An older adult with arthritis, who is not still caring for a family, may have some useful words of advice, but it is extremely helpful if you can locate another individual who has the same unique demands placed on them that you do. Ask your family and friends if they can connect you with someone. If there is no one in your area, turn back to the Internet. There are many forums and support groups online that you can join to talk about your trials and tribulations with others. Don't forget to ask your doctor, too; he or she may know of some local resources that you aren't familiar with.

Talk openly about your condition with your family members. It is important that they understand what you are going through, but strive to be positive in your discussions. Ask for their assistance in helping you with daily chores; give everyone a responsibility and make sure to praise your children loudly and often for helping out. Giving them something to do will make them feel like they are a part of the process and that they are making a difference. Dealing with arthritis is truly a struggle for the entire family, and by supporting each other, it will be much more manageable for everyone.

Receiving an arthritis diagnosis simply means that you may have to make some adjustments in the way that you live. You can still continue to function well and care for your family as you always have. Use the information in the article above to help you do just that.

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