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How To Perfect A Selling Network Marketer Image

As a network marketer, your main goal is to sell an idea, a hope, or a dream. Perhaps your idea is being wealthy, going on long vacations, or simply being employed at home, to spend more time with family. However, you cannot do this without considerable attention to your image. As most business people will tell you, image is everything. Having a powerful image will entice your leads into your idea, leading your on the fast track to the good life. Using the tips below, you can make your clients believe you and want to invest, without you saying a thing.

Tip: Always develop a business plan that will allow you to mess up every now and again. Figure out how much you have to do and how much you can actually do in a given time frame.

Invest in your image. Wear a pricey or expensive watch, to imply that you have the capital to buy flashy accessories, and that time is valuable to you. After all, time is money. If you are not quite wealthy enough to buy a watch outright, older family members often have expensive old watches hidden away in chests or jewelry boxes, in attics. Ask around; you are sure to find someone, somewhere, who will lend, sell, or give you a watch.

Tip: You need to regularly meet with your team. It is important for a group to be united and working toward common goals, through regular strategy sessions.

Rent an expensive car, if you cannot buy one. Again, this implies to your clients that you have the money to buy such a car, and that you are worth their attention and investment.

Tip: Concentrate your efforts for your network marketing business on brand new clients, and don't focus solely on family and friends. This will bring your circle new money.

Buy designer clothes on consignment. No one has ever heard of a shabby billionaire- buying expensive clothes at cheap prices (from thrift stores, consignment stores, et cetera) will often help you to look professional without the cost. Iron your clothes and get them dry cleaned regularly. Consider getting your clothes tailored- well-fitted clothes are much better looking and more intimidating than creased, wrinkled clothes that fit poorly.

Tip: An hour is long enough for a meeting. When discussing network marketing with someone for more than an hour, you run the risk of conveying a sense that the enterprise is likely to be tremendously time consuming.

Style your hair. Some millionaires pull off an unkempt look-- but you are unlikely to be able to do so, given that you are just starting up. Visit a reputable salon or barber, get your hair styled there, and learn to do it yourself with the same (or similar) products. If you tend to be very busy, try to find a simple style that will not take you much time.

Tip: Never take shortcuts when you are building your networking market. This will only lead to mistakes, which could substantially cost you.

Get a manicure, to give you a clean appearance. No one likes to shake hands with someone who has grubby or disgusting hands, so be sure to always look clean and sharp. Having well-manicured nails will make you look very well-put together.

Tip: Join online communities about network marketing to learn from other online business owners. These forums can provide valuable tips and information on network marketing, and as a bonus, they are free.

Wear designer or designer-look shoes. Shoes can often pull together an outfit, so try to find shoes that match your attire. Get them cleaned regularly, or else polish them so they look like-new.

Tip: When conversing with contacts, you should encourage them to lead the discussion. If you strive to learn the most about them by way of social media, blogs or other means of contact, you will be better positioned to market your products.

Always be busy, or appear busy. Make appointments, and refuse 'walk-ins'. Your time is valuable, and allowing people to come and go as they please gives you an unprofessional appearance.

Be professional at all times, while doing business. A playful nature is an asset, but ensure that people can still trust you to get down to business.

Tip: Endeavor to be the best marketer in your network. Get creative and think of unique offerings for your company.

Have business cards, to give out to anyone who asks for them or should need them. Include a professional e-mail address, phone number, address, and fax number. Be sure to have your name, business name, and position readily available.

Tip: Look into hiring professionals with experience in other fields of work. Business professionals, especially if they work for commission, usually have a work ethic that will get them places, and they are aware that their efforts are related to their income.

Have a separate business phone. Choose a smart phone (like an iPhone or Blackberry) to ensure you can access e-mail and other business-applications. Use the phone exclusively for business.

Be calm, cool, collected, and balanced. Impatient or hot-headed businessmen are often less successful than their level-headed peers.

Do not discuss personal issues in business environments- you are a business person, and private issues are to be discussed in private.

Be the person you desire to be by following the above tips, and watch your leads fall into your lap.

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