Knowhow-Now Article

Choosing The Best Free Blogging Tools

Even though there is a plethora of free blogging tools in the market right now, it will not be a good idea to load all these tools on your blog, just because they are freely available. Sure, it is really tempting to add a flashy background, a new font or a visitor counter to your blog. But, you should always be careful as such a move could easily backfire on your blog. The most effective way to use these free blog tools is to be selective in your choices. choosing the best free plugins for your blog

First of all, you will have to take time to learn about all the free blogging tools that are currently available in the market. This way it would help you to make an informed decision when choosing the essential tools for your blog. Just because these tools are free, it doesn't mean that you should go out and grab all of them. Do not try to fulfill all of your fantasies, when selecting the free blogging tools for your blog. If you could find the number of visitors to your blog by checking the traffic statistics; a visitor counter is not essential to your blog. It would only clutter up your page. Likewise, a text based blog does not need a flashy background.

The best place to find plugins for your WordPress blog is through your site's admin dashboard. From here you can search for plugins by keyword your admin page will be filled with suggestions and further nformation to help you make your choice. The repository is curated by WordPress themselves which tend to mean that the plugins are not virus laden trojan horses.

Be pragmatic when choosing the free blog tools necessary to improve the functions of your blog, or else even the tools available for free could be a burden on the success of your blog in the long run.

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