Knowhow-Now Article

How To Use Social Networks To Promote Your Business

Developing a strong presence on the social networks your customers use is an excellent way to remind them about your brand. If you need help with your social media marketing campaign, take a few minutes to read the following article.

Tip: What will your strategy entail? If you put too much time and money into trends, then your long-term marketing success will be limited by the duration of each trend. Make a plan of attack and stick to it.

Ask your customers which social networks they use. There are many different networks and you should not assume that your customers use the most popular ones. If you have a very diverse audience, it is best to develop a presence on Facebook and Twitter to reach out to as many customers as possible. Do not hesitate to join several networks so you can interact with more customers.

Tip: Postings on any social media site should be humble and universally appealing. Regardless of whether you are a start-up or an established business, readers will recognize arrogance and be turned off by it.

You can generate some interest for this new campaign by talking about it on your website. Write a blog entry about your new campaign and let your audience know about the discounts they can get access to once they subscribe to your social media updates. You should also mention the quality content you will share and use social networks to share exclusive information with your audience, for instance announcements about products you are about to release or exclusive promotional offers.

Tip: Try combining social media marketing with email marketing. Add a Twitter and/or Facebook button near the bottom of every single email.

Share links to your social network profiles. If you use emails to communicate with your audience, add a link to your profiles in your signature. Place links to your profiles on the homepage of your site or on your blog. Some blogging platforms will even let you add sharing buttons to your articles and a box that displays your latest social media updates. If you interact with your customers over the phone or face to face, remind them about your social media marketing campaign and let them know they can get more promotional offers if they subscribe to your updates.

Tip: Look into all the options that are available to you. Each social networking site is different, and knowing these differences can help you to make the best use of your time.

Share quality content with your subscribers. Try posting new content on social media at least three or four times a week. If your subscribers are likely to check these networks several times a day, try posting a daily update. All your updates should be somehow related to your industry. You could for instance share pictures of your products, video tutorials, links to your own articles and even links to the other sites your subscribers will be interested in.

Tip: If you are familiar with the various ads on social media pages, they are often intriguing and photoshopped images. Using this kind of imagery in your own ads is a great way to make them more notable and draw potential customers' attention.

Communicate with your subscribers. Let people know they can use social media to send you their questions and comments about your products. Take the time to answer to all the people who interact with you. Encourage subscribers to interact with your brand by sharing some questions or some polls. Always adopt a friendly and helpful tone on social media. You need to make subscribers feel comfortable about commenting on your content or sending you questions. Your goal is to provide customers with a place where they can learn more about your brand and share their opinion in a safe way.

These social media marketing tips will help you promote your brand and interact with your audience. You should apply them and learn more about your audience so you can choose methods adapted to your customers.

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