Knowhow-Now Article

Interacting With Your Audience On Social Networks

Using social media marketing is on excellent way to establish solid relations with your audience. If you need help with engaging your audience on social networks, you should go over the following article.

Tip: If you're unsure as to what topic you should be writing about, consider starting a poll. Allow your followers to choose the topics they want to see you write about.

You need to join the social networks your customers use the most. If you have a very diverse audience, join popular networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+. If you sell products or services to a certain subculture or age group, keep in mind that your target audience might prefer other social networks. You also need to find out which features and formats are the most popular among your customers so you can shape your campaign according to their preferences.

Tip: Then share all of your updates at Twitter and mention people in your posts and use the @ symbol to do so. Users are notified of your post; many will re-tweet the message and respond soon thereafter.

Get customers to subscribe to your social media marketing campaign by sharing links to your profiles on your homepage and in your emails. People will be interested in your social media marketing campaign if they see it as valuable. Give examples of the kind of updates you will be sharing, including exclusive information about promotional offers and new products. Focus on your branding strategy too and your customers will want to associate with your brand on social networks to create a certain image for themselves.

Tip: Use advertising space on the social network sites. Such advertising is cost-effective and aimed at certain keywords found in user profiles.

Share updates on a daily basis and choose content your subscribers will react to. You could for instance post links to your latest blog articles or to news stories as long as your subscribers are interested in this type of content. Get your subscribers to interact with you and with each other by sharing a discussion question or encourage everyone to share a story or an idea. Pictures and videos are also a good way to get the attention of your subscribers since this kind of content is more noticeable.

Tip: To attract customers on sites such as YouTube, be sure to include a catchy title on each video. This is an extremely important step that some people simply skip over.

You should mention social networks as a way of getting in touch with you. Encourage people to send you questions or comments, for instance by writing on your Facebook wall or tagging you in one of their updates. Check your social networks on a daily basis and take the time to respond to all the questions and comments you receive. Offer refunds to customers who are not satisfied or send them another product. If you receive negative comments, it is best to remove them instead of getting into arguments. Using social networks for customer service is an excellent way of developing a good reputation and showing that you have excellent policies.

Tip: You are likely aware of the major social media platforms, but you need to also be mindful of the niche audiences that smaller players cater to. Get to know your target audience so you can find out which network they use, especially when targeting certain age groups.

Provide your subscribers with a safe space where they can interact with each other. Some social networks will let you create private groups for your subscribers, but you might have to find creative ways to use different features offered by the social networks you use. You could for instance create a hashtag for your brand on Twitter and encourage customers to share their product reviews or pictures through this hashtag.

Use these tips to make your social media marketing campaign more interactive and efficient. Start implementing these strategies and ask your subscribers for some feedback to make sure you are using successful methods.

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