Knowhow-Now Article

Keep These Things In Mind When Dealing With Mobile Marketing

If you're going to be doing any kind of mobile marketing, you have to know some things about it first. This article contains knowledge that any aspiring mobile marketer should know. Read it carefully and you should be able to do well with it.

Tip: Buy dedicated short codes instead of sharing them. It can be a little pricey, about $2,000, but it can be linked to your brand.

Whenever you send out a mobile marketing message, you should always have some kind of a link in it so that people can find out where to buy your products or services. People aren't going to know where to go otherwise. If you have a mobile site as your link, that's even better. Websites that were made for computer screens don't look good on mobile displays. Try to let people know if you're linking back to a non mobile version of the site if that's where the link goes.

Tip: Ask your friends to test your website, advertisements and emails. For an unbiased opinion, hire a paid tester.

Try making a version of your site that is only for mobile displays. This can be done on a computer, you just have to find something that emulates a mobile screen to help you to create it so that it looks good on mobile displays. While you may be able to make a website on a mobile device, it's not a good idea because there really won't be a way for you to code it without having a keyboard hooked up. Try searching for emulators of mobile browsers so you can make sure your site looks great across a variety of devices.

Tip: Investing money is the best way to optimize your website for usage in a mobile marketing campaign. Building an effective mobile website is a specialized task, considerably different from normal web design.

Make sure that you don't try to fit too much content into your mobile marketing messages. People on mobile devices usually are on some kind of a data plan. This means that they cannot send or receive too much data because it will cause them to go over their limit. On your mobile site you need to stay away from having too much text or images that are too large. Always have a thumbnail of an image and allow the user to click on that if they want to see the full image. If you have a lot of content to share, break it up into parts so the user can continue on if they choose to.

Tip: With mobile marketing you want your call to action to be user-friendly and very simple. Filling out forms on a computer is easy but it can be difficult when you are using a cell phone keypad.

Know when it is a good time to send out messages to people. Try to avoid doing something like sending a text to everyone at odd hours. People have to sleep and they may have their mobile device near them in case of an emergency. You also don't want to send something out when you think most people would be at work or something. Aim to send things out in the late afternoon, but don't send out a message in the middle of the night ever.

If you follow what you have just read, your mobile marketing campaign should have no reason to fail. Getting a product to sell is hard work, but once you get the ball rolling things will work themselves out. Use the advice you were given, and you should be able to see good things happening for you in the near future.

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