Knowhow-Now Article

Keep Thinking Positive For A Happy Life

I have met many people in my life who are very negative. They moan about seemingly everything and walk around with the weight of the world on their shoulders. I was also like that until the age of twenty-two, at this age I decided to have a new approach to life.

For those first twenty-two years, I was forever feeling sorry for myself. My friends all appeared to have so much more than me, and my life was one long hard struggle, compared to theirs. I was caught up in a web of negativity and needed someone or something to help me to escape.

Tip: Not feeling as good as you should? Sometimes depression strikes all of us. There is no way to get away from it.

During an afternoon at work one day, aged as I say twenty-two, a colleague I was working with started to talk to me. What he said was a shock to me, however would have a profound effect on my future. He said to me:

"Your are somebody who always thinks in a negative way, you a right depressive person, aren't you?"

Tip: A great tip for personal development is to avoid seeing your flesh when looking at yourself in a mirror. You should aim to look beyond the flesh because it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

"Am I?"

I said in a shocked voice as I believed I was no different to anybody else. He continued:

Tip: An important way that many people develop in life is to read educational material. Reading can help us learn while providing enjoyment.

"Yes you are. You very rarely smile, you are negative about most issues and you always seem to be carrying the world on your shoulders".

This man was aged around fifty three and continued:

Tip: Substitute positive surroundings for negative ones. Keep yourself busy and surrounded by people and things that have a positive influence on you.

"I used to be like you and then I was given some advice, of which I am now going to relay to you. When you feel down, depressed or sorry for yourself, read the newspapers or watch the news on the television. You may then realise that you are in fact one of the lucky ones."

I had a long think about what he had said. I had never been a big reader or watcher of the news, but decided to give it a go. The advice he gave me was totally correct, the news from around the world and even my own country was quite shocking. I realised that the worries I had were actually quite trivial and that I needed to cherish everyday and start to look on the bright side of life.

Stephen Hill

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