Knowhow-Now Article

Launching A Social Media Marketing Campaign In Five Easy Steps

Developing a presence on social networks is an excellent way to reach out to your customers. If you need help with developing an efficient campaign, go over the following article carefully.

Tip: Avoid posting too often on Facebook. Frequent updates throughout the day are not appreciated by potential customers and can hurt their impressions of a company instead of improving them.

Start by creating profiles on the networks your customers use regularly. There are many different social networks besides the popular ones such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+ but you need to focus on the sites your customers use on a daily basis. If you are not sure which networks your customers use the most, you should look for studies on the subculture or age group you are targeting. Using surveys or study groups is another good option. Do not forget that new social networks appear regularly. Make sure you join the latest networks if your customers start using these sites.

Tip: Communicate with your customers directly on social media sites as a person representing the company. People get frustrated when talking to a faceless company.

Use your profiles to create a positive image for your brand. Make sure your different profiles can easily be identified by using the same name and profile pictures. Write a short but efficient description of your brand and products, and make sure you add a link to your main website or blog in a visible spot. Your profiles will come up in search results if you use strong keywords in your short description.

Tip: Really look at what a successful social media marketing strategy will require. Many users lose valuable time and money by constantly changing their social media marketing strategies.

Let your audience know about your new campaign. If you communicate with customers through blog articles or a newsletter, write an update about your new project and give some examples of the kind of content you will be sharing. Add links to your profiles on your homepage and in your newsletters or email alerts. If you want to boost this new campaign, use social networks to share exclusive information about your new products and discounts.

Tip: Link your website to social media markets. You can do this by adding "share" buttons for your visitors to easily share your website and content on their own social networking profiles.

Share updates on a daily basis if you find that your customers check social networks every day. Choose your updates carefully, and do not hesitate to take a short break from social networking if you cannot find anything good to share. Use different formats such as short texts, links, pictures, videos, polls and games and do your best to share content that is valuable, educational or entertaining with your audience.

Tip: If you're keeping a blog for social media purposes, you have to make sure that it's kept as active as possible. Fresh content will keep visitors coming back.

Use the different features offered by social networks to interact with your audience. Making your campaign more interactive is a great way to generate more sales since customers will be more likely to purchase a product once they are engaged by a campaign. Share content that will make your audience react and ask your subscribers to share their own content with you, either by commenting on your updates or tagging you in theirs. Organizing contests or giveaways is an excellent way to generate some interest for your social media marketing campaign and get customers to interact with you if you give them a chance to win a free product.

Follow these five steps to get started with social media marketing and improve your presence on the Internet. Once you have developed a strong campaign, set some goals and monitor your results to make sure your strategies are efficient.

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