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Law Of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought The Law That Holds All Matter Together H.T. Hamblin

A man is a small individualized part of the Universal Mind, alike in essence but infinitely less in degree. Just as the Universal Mind finds expression through all the Universe, so does man when awake to his own interior powers, express himself by the power of his thought, through his body, his work, his circumstances and his life.

Tip: This may sound cliche but its the truth. You must employ positive thinking.

Thus far can he go and no farther. In himself he is an epitome of the Universe, outside of the miniature Universe he has no jurisdiction. By this I mean that man has the power to do what he likes with his own life, but he has no right to dominate other people or to interfere with their lives.

Tip: While trying to improve yourself on a personal level, fake it until you make it. Laugh when you do not feel like laughing.

I mention this because there is a pernicious practice being taught today. It is known as "mind domination." People are being taught that by using what is called the "hypnotic gaze," by telepathy and hetero-suggestion they can dominate other people. It is quite true; it can be done and is being done. This is precisely the same method as that practiced by certain criminals in America. By this method people are being deprived of money and property--they sign documents they do not wish to sign, simply because they are compelled to do so by "mind domination."

Tip: Always be true to yourself. Live by the values that you believe in.

No one is to be safe from these misguided people. While you sit in a public room or theater somebody may be behind you concentrating his "hypnotic gaze" upon the back of your neck. When you receive a visit from a traveling salesman he may be working some of his mind dominating black art upon you in order to coerce you into acting against your better judgment, simply and solely that he may reap a temporary benefit.

This sort of thing is not only being practiced, but is being taught, both in this country and America.

Tip: Embrace change. The world around you is constantly changing, and unless you change with it, you are going to be left behind.

I mention this in order to put you on your guard against such practices; first, so that you can avoid being hypnotized by these people, and second, that you should never under any circumstances use your mind forces in order to dominate other people. Whoever prostitutes his mental powers in this way is hurrying to disaster. To so misuse the tremendous powers of the mind is to destroy oneself, body and soul.

Tip: Identify areas for improvement. When you take the time to analyze areas in your life that are within your control and need improving, you acknowledge that you are not perfect, and you give yourself permission to change.

All who sink to these practices are deliberately creating for themselves an inferno of trouble. The powers of the mind are like electricity; for the latter, if used according to certain laws, produces beneficial results; if used in opposition to these laws, it burns, maims, and destroys. So it is with the powers of the Mind, used aright they lead to success, happiness and all accomplishment; if used wrongly they grind to powder.

Tip: Turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts or affirmations. When you find yourself thinking negatively about a situation stop for a minute and change the negative into a positive.

Both Hypnotism and Mind Domination are being so largely used and taught that it is advisable to always work against them. These are really a revival of the "Black Magic" of bygone days. Sorcery, witchcraft, necromancy, thaumaturgy, they are all the practice of the same power, and all who use them bring destruction upon their own heads. Sorcery, black magic, or hypnotism, or whatever you like to call it, is accomplished by the lower mind of man.

Tip: If you focus too much on what you want, then you create reasons for why you can not have what you want. This leads you to dwell on your weaknesses.

The higher self, the perfect mental or spiritual creature, the real Ego, has nothing to do with it. This is why hypnotic healing is always harmful. If a person is healed by hypnotic suggestion in about three months' time either the same disease will reappear, or a new and worse disease will manifest itself. But healing done by the higher perfect mind, that is one with, and forms part of, the Universal Infinite Mind, that is in turn one and part of the Infinite Principle of Good, such healing is permanent and can have no relapse.

Tip: If you want to have a more positive attitude, then create positive affirmations that you wish to live by. Affirmations are essentially positive thoughts.

By this we see that the higher mind is infinitely more powerful than the lower. Therefore Hypnotism and Mind Domination can be overcome and guarded against by the use of the higher Mental Powers.

Tip: Personal development means accepting and welcoming change. You may obtain a huge goal in life but if you can not accept the changes it brings you will be taking a step back instead of steps forward.

To work against Hypnotism, it is necessary not only to live as much as possible in the atmosphere of your perfect World of Mind, but also to deny the power of Hypnotism to affirm the perfect power of the perfect Universal Mind of which you, your higher self, form a part. If you work in this way you will make yourself proof against all Hypnotism, Sorcery, Witchcraft and Malpractice of every kind.

Tip: Always remember that depression is not a part of you. It is something that afflicts your being.

The Law which keeps the Universe running so smoothly is the law of Attraction. It is this law that brought it together; it is this law that keeps it from falling apart.

Tip: If you take a stand, make it a justified stand. You have an obligation to yourself to clearly define your beliefs, understand your beliefs and build upon them.

Those who practice Mind domination are acting in direct opposition to this immutable law. They are trying to do by force that which should be accomplished by attraction, therefore they are encompassing their own mental, moral and physical disintegration.

Tip: One way to work on your personal development is to not stay complacent. If you stay in the same mind frame, you will become stagnant as a human being.

All the Universe, in all its planes, is ruled by this law; in the Spiritual World it is called the Law of Love; in the Mental World the Law of Attraction; in the Material World it is known as the Law of Affinity. They all mean the same--in essence they are the same.

Tip: Try to suppress negative thoughts. Turn them into positive thoughts.

Just as the electrons are called together in the invisible aether, thus to form an atom so, in turn, are atoms brought together, and by vibrating at different rates of speed, create what we call form. Thus is matter (so-called) built up into all the beautiful forms we see, simply by the Law of Attraction.

Tip: A great tip for personal development is to find the best in yourself before trying to be true to yourself. If you are not sure who you are, there is no way you can be true to yourself.

It is this law that holds all matter together. If it failed, rocks would fly asunder and all things would disintegrate, because the power that attracted one atom to another would have ceased to operate.

It is the same in the Mental World, everything works according to this same law. It is because "like creates like" and "like attracts like" that it is possible to revolutionize our lives by the power of thought.

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