Knowhow-Now Article

Making Everyday A Special Day

The same sun, the same sky, the same home, and the same routine. Life is boring. Every day is same. How to carry on from day to day? Why does a week not have seven sundays? Don't you find yourself saying - 'I want to enjoy life. I am getting bored with my schedule that never changes. There is no excitement in my life.' Ask few friends around their life and they will say something similar. Why is life becoming a bore for them and how to make it exciting?

Can one escape work? No sensible person can? Can a parent stop caring for his/her children? No. Can an executive stop taking decisions? No. Then how to make life exciting? There must be some way. Yes, there is a way and it is very simple. Just look out of your window and watch the sky. Do you observe any clouds? Look at them. Look at the different shapes? Who made them? From where did they arrive and where will they go? Look at some flowers in your home. Observe the symmetry. Touch and feel the softness. How lovely! We are surrounded by treasures, but we have no time to look at them. A child's smile can make today a different day than any other day. Try to make a child smile and feel the joy.

Tip: Take time out of your busy day to listen to what your mind and your body are trying to tell you. If you stop for a little while each day, you are going to find that there are many things that your body is telling you that you were not hearing before, and you can make changes to improve the situation.

Look at the night sky. Observe the stars and think about the distances. Some are so far away that it takes light, hundreds of years to reach us. How many millions of years you will take to walk and reach them? What is beyond them? Observe, think and get excited. Life need never be dull for any of us. Take another example. While sitting on your table, have you ever wondered about the wood that was used to make it? Have you thought about the life of the tree? A small seed grew into a gigantic tree.
How exciting. What of the tar on the road? It comes from deep inside the earth, goes to refineries and is laid on the roads.
How deep must the oil well have been? How did they locate the oil and what will happen after we finish all the oil?

The world is full of objects that can make us think and wonder. It is our attitude that makes our life. If we adopt a child-like attitude towards things, we will bring joy back in life. I am not asking you to give up your work and enjoy. But find time during the day to look at things and wonder. Bring joy back in your life. You can begin right now. Look at your screen. What happens to the text after you shut down your computers? Where do they all go, when you close the browser? Isn't life full of excitement? Live it.

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