Knowhow-Now Article

Mixed Spasmodic Dysphoria

There are several types of voice disorders that can affect your ability to speak. Since speech is integral to communicating, it can be difficult to have to deal with these disorders. Mixed spasmodic dysphoria is a condition where you have difficulty speaking because of sudden involuntarily muscle spasms of the larynx.

The exact cause is unknown and while there are some treatment options available, there is no cure at this time. If you have some speech problems you should consult your doctor for a diagnosis and possible treatment options.

Spasmodic dysphonia (SD) can occur in three ways, adductor, abductor and mixed spasmodic dysphoria. The adductor form of SD is when the muscles of the vocal cords slam the cords together. The vocal cords can also stiffen which make it very difficult for the vocal cords to vibrate and form words the way they are supposed to. Words can become shortened and hard to form.

Speech will then sound hoarse or "choppy". When someone suffers from this condition their speech will sound strained. The unusual aspect of this condition is that it rarely, if ever, occurs when someone is laughing, singing, speaking in an unnaturally high pitch, or whispering.

The other version of SD, abductor, occurs when the muscle spasms cause the vocal cords to remain open. This open position lets a lot of air escape when you speak. Because of this, your voice will sound weak, wispy, breathy and like you are whispering.

And, like what occurs with adductor SD, you rarely see these symptoms occur when laughing, singing, whispering, etc.

And finally, mixed SD. This is when the muscle spasm affect both the muscles that open and close the vocal cords at different times. Again, this tends not to happen when someone is laughing, whispering, singing, etc.

SD can affect anyone at anytime though there does seem to be some evidence to indicate that women are affected slightly more than men. There is no known cause for this disorder, though it appears to a "mal function" in the area of the brain called the basal ganglia, this is the area of the brain that controls muscle movements in the body.

The treatment options can range from mild to fairly invasive and all the way up to surgical remedies. Here are a few of the more common treatments available.

In some more mild cases, voice therapy may be able to offer some relief.
Another common treatment is a small Botox injection at the site of the spasm, on the larynx. Botox will actually temporarily weaken the muscles which can help reduce spasms.

Mixed spasmodic dysphoria is a problem that can affect anyone at anytime and make it very difficult to communicate effectively. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy and social anxiety. But, the good news is that there are various methods of treatment that can help. Consult your doctor and see what your options are. You don't have to suffer needlessly, you may find some relief easier than you had thought possible.

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