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Mobile Marketing Made Easy: How Beginners Can Achieve Success

If you were to sit down right now and compile a list of the most effective Internet marketing techniques in 2013, you would undoubtedly have mobile marketing at the top by a landslide. Comparing all the positive and negative points of every type of marketing online, you will find that mobile marketing simply blows the competition away. So if you want to learn how to market to a mobile audience, here are some tips to help you get started.

Tip: Mobile marketing can attract a lot of customers, but you need to make it work on multiple platforms. If your marketing campaign cannot work on any of the popular mobile devices, you risk the chance of losing customers due to technical issues.

There are different standards and guidelines that you're going to have to abide, especially when dealing with sites like Facebook and Twitter. These are sites people join to kill two birds with one stone. They're participating in mobile marketing and social media marketing simultaneously. But if you don't follow the guidelines, your efforts will fail.

Tip: QR codes should appear on every printed advertisement to meet the needs of those with high tech gadgets. This makes it easy for smart phone users to access your site and use your coupons.

No matter what type of business you're in, you always have to respect the privacy of your customers. When someone gives you their personal mobile information, you could potentially glean a lot about this person's life. Needless to say, this information is powerful. Treat it with the privacy and respect you'd expect if it were your information.

Tip: You will see a good rise in profits with mobile marketing. It allows you to tap in to the millions of potential customers that communicate primarily with their phones.

If you're going through the trouble of designing a mobile ad for an iPhone or an iPad, you should also go through the trouble of designing another ad for an Android or a Samsung Galaxy. Why go through all this trouble? Well, different mobile devices have different features, and what looks good on phone A won't look good on phone B.

Tip: Work your social networks to generate the most interest in your mobile marketing. Use Facebook, Twitter, your site and your physical store (if there is one) for promoting.

It's important that you actually know about mobile devices before you spend your time designing material for them. This is like designing a counter top for your kitchen if you've never been in your kitchen. Sure, you might know the measurements needed, but you won't know how it's going to look, flow or function once installed.

Tip: Your mobile marketing campaign must be compatible with all mobile devices and platforms. It's important to make sure that your campaign is equally compatible across all of them.

If you want to advertise on Facebook in order to reach Facebook mobile users, then it's important that you design your content specifically for Facebook. You still want to reach other members of the site, not only the mobile users. So you can actually reach a much broader audience by simply designing for the site generally instead of a subset specifically.

Tip: Just because a person is using their cellphone to access the Internet, it does not mean they understand what the text abbreviations mean. People who do not understand your ad will ignore it, and that will result in the loss of potential customers.

Even though the 4G market is really exploding and unlimited plans are on the rise, you still want to avoid using large file sizes. Many people still do have limited plans, and even if they didn't, large file sizes on a small device can be very annoying. The idea of mobile marketing is to be quick and streamlined.

Tip: Every successful mobile campaign should have a home base. Make people arrive at the home base and keep in touch with them once they do.

When you're targeting a mobile audience, you have to be a lot more compelling in your material. Instead of adding a subtle call to action spread out over a few paragraphs, you have to think about a demanding sentence or two that really draws people in. You have to focus on content that's very intriguing.

There's a lot more to mobile marketing than the few tips you have read above. However, following the advice throughout this article will help you get started off on the right foot.

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