Knowhow-Now Article

Happy Monday Fit Fem'rs! How was your weekend? Mine was fantastic! Maybe too fantastic, oops…I've got to get right back on track with my fitness and weight loss regimen. Anyhow, I figured, what better way to workout than to include kick-ass, rockin' music to get you pumped and motivated!

Playing music to motivate you to keep going during your exercise and other physical fitness activities for weight loss is an awesome way to make activities that you usually less tiring and way more enjoyable.  Music always adds a lot of fun and the rhythm of whatever music you choose helps you keep a good pace for your exercise routines.  And enjoying you're your music will encourage exercise more, right?  Ohh yea, getting you that much closer to your weight loss goals. So load up some tunes and move to the beat with a good, upbeat collection of music to motivate you as you run, jump and sweat your way towards the healthy and sexy body you desire!

You will definitely enjoy having music playing while you do your aerobics, while running around the park or even while relaxing and meditating after a long, hard day.  If you have ever tried exercising without any music on before, you might have found it bland and boring.  This totally kills the motivation and encouragement for you to go on and do it again because you might not have enjoyed it.  Make your every exercise schedule for weight loss the most enjoyable one. Pump up that music to motivate you and make you push on to your maximum capacity. And you'd be surprised, you probably will feel less tired or not even be tired at all!

For those that take my cardio classes know that music is a major part of getting a kick-ass workout. I usually create a playlist  by downloading my favorite songs and I choreograph my routines based on the beat. My most popular class is my cardio kickboxing. All of my punch and kick combinations are choreographed to the beat of the music. There's nothing than awesome music to get my blood pumping and heart racing than playing my favorite songs. Ask any of the members, they are dancin', movin', shakin' and sweatin' their way to weight loss. Whoop Whoop!

Play some good music to motivate you to work out harder and longer, and get better results for your weight loss. You'll be surprised as to how much more calories you'll burn. Music takes your mind off things, such as fatigue and stress, so it also helps you take care of your body during strenuous physical activities by lessening the strain and effort.  Doing exercises also release "feel-good" hormones called endorphins, and by coupling it with music, makes it that much more awesome.

There is no hard and fast rule on choosing the type of music to motivate you during your preferred exercise routines for weight loss.  There is no need for special and expensive equipment for weight loss, either.  Even a small radio with an MP3 or CD player will do just fine for home and gym exercises, while a portable MP3 player is most practical and trendy for those who prefer to run and be physical outdoors.  It is best to play faster, up-tempo beats for more intense trainings, while slower-paced tracks can be good for regular and lighter aerobics workouts. For me, the more upbeat and faster the music, the harder I work out. The type of music to motivate you play will depend on your personal preference.  There are no rules about that, too!  Put your personality into your playlist. Just

Music is just plain awesome!  Pop some tunes in your next workout and harness the power of music to motivate you towards your dream of a most healthy and gorgeous body you've always dreamt of!  Take your weight loss goals to the next level with music!

You motivated yet? Put on you Dr. Dre headphones and just pump, pump, pump, pump it up!   Comment with some of your favorite songs to work out too.

Going to The Fit Fem will give you the answer to this important question how To Burn Calories fast?

For more information, be sure to check out Personal Trainer Long Island

Sylvia Nasser is In Home Personal Trainer and runs many online fitness classes

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