Knowhow-Now Article

My Adventures In Blogging

A couple of years ago I decided I was going to start a blog about life as a single mom. My husband and I had gotten a divorce and I wanted a place to get out everything I was feeling. I thought I could meet some other single moms this way too.

At first when I would blog, no one would read it. I didn't get any comments or any feedback. I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong. I felt like my writing was honest and would be able to touch other people.

Tip: Your blog should use search engine optimization. You need to keep your blog high in the page ranks so that people can find it.

I started visiting other blogs and before I knew it I was getting traffic. I was finally getting comments and that made me very happy. It helped me keep going and also gave me an idea about what to post about.

I had been blogging for a couple of months when I received an email about doing a book review for someone. They had written a book about single parenting and thought it would be perfect for me to review on my blog. I said yes because it looked like a good book.

Tip: Don't let yourself copy other people's material. Plagiarism is something that is taken very seriously, and any reputation that you are trying to establish for yourself will be lost if you do something like this.

I am so glad I did that review. It opened the door to doing other types of reviews. I was starting to make a little money by way of reviewing products. I was really enjoy it.

I kept writing really good posts and would get asked to guest post often. I felt pretty good about that because I knew I could touch even more people that way. I would sometimes get emails telling me that I had helped them.

Tip: The more frequently you post new content, the more likely your readers will be to visit regularly. Some of the best blogs update at least once daily.

I eventually went to a blogging conference and got to meet a lot of other bloggers. That was nice because I got to talk about it with other people who knew what I was saying. I did talk about my blog with friends but they didn't always understand what I was talking about.

Time went on and I was able to gain some advertisements. I can now say that I really do make money blogging. My blog is now two years old and I am so glad that I started it.

Tip: It can be very helpful to tie your blog in to all forms of social media. Social media networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are very helpful the success of your business.

I try to blog three times a week. I spend the rest of the time responding to emails and trying to network with other people. It is like a full-time job and I put a lot of time into it.

I am not sure if I will eventually write a book from my blog. I like the idea of that but I know it will be a lot of work. People have told me that I should so I think I will look into it more sometime soon.

I really enjoy blogging because I just have to write a short post and share it with the world. I pour out my heart in hopes that other people will be able to relate to me. It helps them know they are not alone in their struggles. I am not sure what job would be better than that.

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