Knowhow-Now Article

Remember when these items were hot, or not?

• Gramophone

• 8 Track

• Phonograph

These were all ways of playing music in days gone by. Even the typewriter is becoming an item of history in today’s world.

You’re probably asking yourself what this has to do with hot marketing solutions or a business to business directory?

Nothing, other than everything.

Traditional ways of gaining exposure for your business be it a local business or a global company were found in numerous ways including:

Running classified ads in newspapers or full display ads in magazines.

Purchasing radio and television broadcasting time on the airwaves.

Opening shop in a specific location in town and hoping for traffic.

Distributing fliers, pamphlets, business cards and other media.

Listing information about your business in the phone book.

These have all been expensive ways of promoting your business and generating sales in days gone by. Yes, advertising via these mediums is still moving forward though there is a newer player in town that appears to be taking the lion’s share of the market.

Google is its name!

Or more precisely, Google local search.

Targeting local interest from a Google search result is what Google local search is all about. Googling Google maps will return information for how you can activate your own free listing within their network.

However, it is not the hottest marketing solutions available.


To understand how Google operates as well as the best way to gain exposure you practically need to live a Google life. While I may have gone a bit over board with that last sentence the inherent truth of what is being conveyed remains consistent.

Who do you turn to around April if not Accountants?

Focusing on your strengths while letting Accountants do their job simply makes sense to most all businesses.

Why do Doctors hang shingles stating that they are Brain Surgeons or Podiatrist?

Simply because it is easier for those that need their services to find them in this way.

Why do… well, I think you get the point.

This does not however account for the tremendous success of the “how to” industry. ”How to” teachings certainly do have their place in the world but even here people must learn what they will and will not learn “how to” do else not have enough time for the things that they need to get done. After all, the more time you spend learning a specific skill the less time you have available for making your business a success.

[Given that the affordability of a Google local business to business directory listing is a hot marketing solution in and of itself leaves most businesses in today’s world having to choose one of two options for their continued success|So each and every business much decide which of two paths to take for their own marketing successes with Google loal listings|Google local listings can thus be pursued in one of two obvious ways for every business owner that needs additional exposure}.

#1: Waste valuable resources in an attempt to “solve it yourself”.

#2: Get a jump start on their competition by relying on Web experts that have already figured things out.

Option two is of more value in my opinion as it gives you more time to focus on your own skillsets.

Therefore, turn to EZ Local’s for your business to business directory listings that include Google Maps, organic rankings, monitored pay per click advertising and more all at extremely affordable prices for Google local listings. And join me on FaceBook for even more hot.

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