Knowhow-Now Article

The Future Of E Commerce And You

E-commerce simply means electronic commerce and what this means is that it is simply the commercial aspects of the internet. The question that most online marketers ask has always been how big the market is and if the market will get too saturated with a product or not.

The thing about the internet is that it is always growing, the amount of people using the internet is ever increasing and hence this also means that there should be no fear of saturation anytime soon. However, in order to see what ecommerce really holds for business owners in the future we need to look at some important statistics in order to see a glimpse of the future.

So if you are an internet marketer you should be wildly interested to see what the future of e-commerce holds for you so that you can plan your moves properly.

Well there is good news and there is bad news for those of us who are dealing with ecommerce.

Whatever the case you should not be worried because with all businesses there are always pros and cons and like all entrepreneurs, you should learn to adapt and change to ensure that your business survives.

The Future of ecommerce

Let’s begin with a little investigation on some important numbers from researches done on the ecommerce market in the past.

At almost the end of 2005, the US reported a total of 26 billion ecommerce sales. That is an amazing number by itself. However, it is also important to note that the number had an increase of almost 27% from the third quarter of that very year.

What this ultimately means that the growth of people shopping online is huge. More and more people are beginning to use the computer and also the internet. It is slowly replacing other media forms such as the television and the radio.

Tip: Make sure that the colors you use on your site do not make it hard for users to find navigation links. If your site is in black but your navigation links are in royal blue users may not see them and that would mean less time they will spend on your site.

And today it is reported that over 78% of the people living in the United States are now using the internet. What’s crazy is that it is also reported that the largest user base of the internet are actually the people in China with United States in second place and India third.
These huge amounts of users show us one very important thing to all marketers alike and that is the demand and the market of ecommerce is getting so big it is no longer an option for business owners to ignore.

Here’s another outrageous number. In 2005 the amount of sales made in the United States alone was 26 billion. While that is amazing guess what the numbers are today?

A whopping $226 billion are projected to be made in the US on the first quarter of 2012 alone. Now a lot of struggling marketers are probably thinking to themselves now why are they not making the money that they should be. Experts would make it clear that too many ‘struggling’ marketers are doing things the wrong way.

Thus, marketers should take the time to educate themselves properly before going into the online marketing scene to cope with fierce competition.

Competition and what you should do.

Now that we’ve taken a closer look at the potential of ecommerce today there should be no doubt that ecommerce itself holds a firm future for shopping. What this also means is that more and more people are going to try their hands to make some money online.

Tip: Use Craigslist to advertise your site, but make sure to do it in the appropriate way. Place ads in the proper categories because they might get flagged if they are placed in the wrong place.

Larger companies will inevitable turn towards the online crowd in search to grow their business. The fierce competition that we are facing now will be a nightmare in the future. Hence if you are in business now you absolutely need to do whatever it takes to get as much lead as possible now and steer your business towards quality.

It is without a doubt that in a world full of competitors, there’re two ways to beat your opponents to a pulp. The easy way is to lower your price. However this method almost always never gets a good ending as you could be spoiling the market making it harder for everyone to survive. At first you might be able to beat your competitors to a few sales but what if the competitor decides to do the same?

With everyone out to lower their price you will end up losing more money than making money.

Tip: Come up with a strategy for your keywords before you design your website. It will keep your website focused on your target audience as you are developing content that will align your product or service offerings to the needs of your audience.

Consider another situation, a very large company with huge budget decides to budge in and start ‘starving’ out their competitors by offering an unbeatable price. When that time comes a smaller company will almost always lose.

Hence, the only other available option is to improve on the quality of your products, your service and your marketing tactics.

Quality is the way to go.

Tip: To promote yourself or your business online, you need a presence on social media sites. Make a Facebook page or create a Twitter account.

With quality, you can build trust, with trust and reputation you can maintain control over your price tags which will ultimately guarantee your survival in a jungle full of unforgiving predators.

When you are able to charge a large enough price and still make sales, it is only then you will be able to use the money you’ve earned and throw it right back into your advertising budget. This way your business will grow and survive in the long run.

Having a good service and reputation is equally important because words of mouth are often the best advertising. This kind of advertising is also free and soon you will find your business growing on its own.

Tip: A memorable slogan can be a powerful internet marketing asset. Slogans offer small businesses the same kind of brand recognition enjoyed by giant corporations.

One way to avoid fierce competition is to sell an item that is not easily duplicable. This of course is easier said than done. Try to find a product that is unique and people will find it hard to compete with you. Being creative often helps in this case to come up with a product that is useful and at the same time unique.

However, should you successfully own such a product you will not only make a lot of money without any competitors that can touch you, you will even be able to acquire a lot of loyal affiliates that will make money for you automatically.

That is why from now on you must always work to grow your business and at the same time think of how you can improve on the quality of your products.

Although Ecommerce will never replace offline commercial because humans will always enjoy shopping in real shops, it is definitely a force to be reckoned with. However, the fact of the matter is this, your business is likely going to be affected by ecommerce and competitors, and thus you need to be ready for it when the time comes.

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