Knowhow-Now Article

Safe Chinese Medicine Herbs

Peruse the herbal supplementation aisle at your local health food store and you will most likely be overwhelmed by the sheer abundance of supplements that are for sale. All of them claim to be safe, effective and specially formulated to fit your needs. Some assert that their formula has been handed down from generation to generation of a Chinese family of herbalists, while others are packaged in such a manner that they suggest a Chinese heritage, even if they do not directly come out and make that claim in writing. It is the use of the bottle’s shape, color, and even stylized writing that suggest Chinese origins. Since this is not expressly stated, the company does not run the risk of incurring charges of false advertising.

Finding safe Chinese medicine herbs requires a bit of know how, but there are some tell tale signs that you have found the real thing:
1. Buy herbs only from reputable companies that are known to you or the practitioner of Chinese medicine whom you consult.
2. Check the label. All the ingredients should be listed. Failure to list them is a red flag and you should never buy any dietary supplement that fails to fully disclose any and all ingredients.
3. Be aware of dangerous substances. Know what to look for. Certain substances, such as ma huang, are banned from being imported and sold to the general public and those supplements that contain it usually are sold by individuals or smaller stores.
4. Do not purchase any medicine herb that claims to cure any disease. While it may support health, no supplement can be sold with that kind of claim attached.
5. Remember that “all natural” does not necessarily mean that it is “all healthy.” Instead, make it your practice to research the various ingredients that a supplement is said to contain and then cross check them for recalls or adverse effects.

What you want to look for are safe Chinese medicine herbs which are grown in an organic environment and also processed in such an environment. This will ensure that they are free from lead and other heavy metals which are sometimes found in the non-organic plants. If you are unsure what to look for, do not hesitate to ask your practitioner to recommend the manufacturers he or she likes to utilize and trust.

Remember also that safety has a price tag. While cut rate supplements are cheaper than their pure counterparts, they are also known to contain fillers and generally not be as efficient as the pure formulas. Of course, without a detailed analysis even the safe Chinese medicine herbs may appear to be somewhat questionable, especially when they are not packaged according to Western sensibilities or standards.

In case of a doubt, opt to leave the store without the supplement. What you do not ingest cannot harm you and if you simply feel that you want some more input on the safety of the product, do not hesitate to consult other practitioners or join one of the many online forums where the safe use of Chinese herbs is a topic of discussion quite frequently.

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