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Simple On Site Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is the practice of designing your site in a way that makes it easy for search engines to find, navigate and categorize. There are two kinds of Search Engine Optimization - on-site SEO, and off-site SEO. Off-site SEO refers to link building and other marketing practices, while on-site SEO involves technical and content related decisions.

The Importance of On-Site SEO

Tip: Part of using SEO to drive site traffic is ensuring that your site uses effective coding. If your code is messy, search engines may not be able to index it.

During the early days of search engines, on-site SEO was incredibly important, because the algorithms used by the bots (scripts which download and parse web pages) were incredibly simplistic. Small changes to your page, such as using bold or H1 tags on certain keywords, were all it took to manipulate the way that a search engine would categorize your content.

Today, search engines are aware of most of those tricks, and invisible text, keyword spam and meta-tag stuffing do not work. However, the way that your site is coded is still an important part of SEO. For example, meta tags are still used to determine the content of your website's description in the search results, and your page's title will be the title that will be presented to the surfer. In addition, Google does give some consideration to the usage of H1 tags, bold, and other layout elements, although it does not trust those elements as implicitly as it once did.

Tip: There are many ways to improve results you get from search engines. You will get the best results if the system is set to achieve the maximum efficiency with searches.

Recently, Google has introduced some new on-site SEO elements in the form of rich snippets. These are used to provide authorship data, review score information and product image data to Google, so that search results can have that information included in them, making them more informative and eye catching, and also increasing your click-through rate.

Starting Points For On-Site SEO

Tip: Research the amount of time each company has been in business. You also need to be aware of any risks in order to make an educated hiring decision.

The best place to start with on-site SEO is your meta tags. If you use WordPress, install the all-in-one SEO pack and use that to populate the meta tags for all of your posts. Make sure that each meta description is unique, for best results.

Next, look at the HTML for your site's theme. You should make sure that post (or content) titles are marked with H1 tags, and you should use the strong and em tags (also known as bold and italic) to emphasize important parts of your content.

Tip: Make it easier for the web spiders and your rank will increase. Spiders are going through your content on a constant basis and are always pulling up your site based on keywords and other particulars; however, these spiders have to understand how to actually navigate around your site.

Another important on-site SEO tool is the sitemap. Any website which has more than a handful of pages should have a sitemap. Your sitemap lists every page on your website, and tells Google how important that page is and how frequently it should be re-indexed. Google likes websites that are updated frequently, and by telling Google which pages are updated most often, you can ensure that your site gets the attention it deserves.

On-site SEO is just one element of Search Engine Optimization, but it is incredibly important. Get your on-site SEO sorted out before you start worrying about link building and other parts of online marketing. A clean, fast loading site that contains great content will take care of itself SEO-wise.

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