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Social Media Marketing Tips For Beginners

Are you thinking about launching a social media marketing campaign? You should learn more about social media before developing a presence on this platform. Keep reading to find out more about social media marketing strategies.

Tip: If you put a video on YouTube and other social networks, it's important that title is a great one. Have the titles use keywords that are relevant to your industry and your products.

Find out more about your customers and their use of social media. If possible, find out which networks they use regularly and who they connect with on these sites. Ask your customers about the features they use the most and the kind of content they would like to see. Stay in touch with your audience to make sure your campaign remains relevant and keep in mind that trends change quickly since new sites and features appear regularly.

Tip: Update your profiles and pages often. Streams and profiles that have not been updated can be indexed by search engines as outdated.

Let your audience know about your new campaign by connecting your social media marketing campaign with your main website. You should add links to your profiles on your homepage, for instance by adding a small module that displays your latest updates. You should also use your other marketing campaigns to mention your social media profiles, for instance by adding links to your profiles in your newsletter or in the signature of your emails.

Tip: Try and hold a contest or prize giveaway to entice people to come to your site. By requiring contest participants to follow your tweets or 'like' your Facebook page, you can easily increase your following.

Encourage your customers to sign up for your new campaign by offering some incentives. If you can afford to, offer a small discount to all your subscribers. You could also share coupon codes on social networks or organize contests and giveaways. Ask people to subscribe to your campaign for a chance to win a free product or organize a contest by asking customers to share their own content with you via social media and reward the best pictures or videos with a free product.

Tip: Using social media marketing may be tough at first, but it's important that you stick with it. It takes time like anything else does.

Social media allows you to interact with your audience. You should encourage your subscribers to send your questions and comments and take the time to answer to all the questions or comments you get. Do not hesitate to moderate comments if they are negative or might cause other subscribers to feel uncomfortable about sharing their opinion. Make sure your subscribers have plenty of occasions to interact with you and with each other, for instance by sharing discussion questions, creating groups where people can talk about your products or sharing polls.

Tip: Give people a reason to access and promote information from your site. Try writing humorous posts, and avoid the use of jargon or technical language.

Monitor the results of your social media marketing campaign. You should keep track of how many customers subscribe to your campaign and assess how many sales you generate thanks to this new campaign. Use surveys and polls to get an idea of how efficient your campaign is. Once you get a better idea of the impact your campaign has, set some realistic monthly goals and look for ways to keep improving your campaign. If you do not meet your monthly goals, make some changes to the strategies you use, share better content or offer more interesting incentives for your social media marketing campaign.

Getting started with social media marketing is easy but you will have some work to do before your campaign has a significant impact on your sales. Keep working on it, do more research on social media marketing and you will get good results.

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