Knowhow-Now Article

Spasmodic Dysphonia Cure You Can Find The Right One For You

Speech is the primary method for communicating with people. And while many of us take this for granted, there are those who suffer from afflictions that prevent them from speaking normally. A common ailment in this regard is spasmodic dysphonia, it causes the vocal cords to spasm causing stuttering and other sounds to get in the way of speech.

People affected by this will often search for a spasmodic dysphonia cure, unfortunately such a cure does not exist yet. However all hope is not lost, while doctors have yet to come up with a cure, they have devised treatments that can greatly diminish the symptoms of spasmodic dysphonia, and allow you to speak more easily.

One of the ways you can treat spasmodic dysphonia is by getting an injection into your vocal cords. The injection consists of a toxin that weakens the vocal cords and reduces the spasms, allowing for a more clear and natural voice.

The downsides to this method is that, like all treatments, there's side effects. Some of the side effects include a weak and breathy voice and trouble swallowing. Ontop of that it wears off after a couple months, requiring you to get injects every three to four months.

Now if that doesn't sound like something you want to deal with, there are other treatments you could try. But keep in mind, none of these treatments are full proof and it's all about finding the right treatment for you.

Another treatment you can try is voice therapy. Voice therapy will help teach you how to control the spasms in more mild cases, much the same way you'd train your hand to stop shaking. While not viable for more severe cases, it can prove to be quite beneficial for those with only mild cases.

There is also the ability to use devices that are made to help your voice. These devices can do a number of things from increasing the volume of your voice to help make it more clear, or synthesize it all together.

These devices can be quite handy for those with more severe cases, however they are not a spasmodic dysphonia cure, merely a stop gap measure. Regardless they can help you communicate with other people more easily.

If all else fails there is still one more thing you can try. Surgery on the larynx can be done to help cure the symptoms of spasmodic dysphonia. However the benefits of this treatment have yet to be proven and it is quite expensive.

No matter what treatment you use always remember that science is ever progressing. Fifty years ago we didn't have much of what we have today, so fifty years from now could look like something out of a science fiction movie.

So while there may not be a spasmodic dysphonia cure now, it may be right around the corner. Until then you just have to remain positive and try your best to deal with your condition. Those treatments may not be perfect, but they should help you in overcoming the limitations you face.

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