Knowhow-Now Article

Speaking To Your Mobile Marketing Audience

If mobile marketing is something that you want to get into but just don't know where to begin, you've come to the right place. This article will contain some of the things a mobile marketing novice needs to know. Review the following ideas for more information.

Tip: Putting a QR code on your print ads can help you appeal to tech savvy customers. Anyone with a smart phone can scan this code and access your website.

When you send out your marketing messages you need to be aware of the time. If someone is living somewhere that you're trying to market to that's in a different time zone than you, make sure you're not sending something too late at night or too early in the morning. The same goes for people that live in your area. You also want to avoid sending out messages on holidays. People will sometimes have their mobile devices on when they're trying to sleep so you definitely don't want to bother people past about 7 at night or so.

Tip: You can gain an advantage by keeping an eye on what your competitors have been doing. You have to stand out from your competitors.

Don't try to send out marketing messages that have too much text in them. People that are on mobile devices are probably out and about when your message comes in. Some devices can't even display a lot of text anyways. Just get your main point across and then give a link to a website if there is more information for people to read. Never include a lot of images either. People on data plans won't be very happy if you send them to a site or something that eats up a lot of the data they're allowed to have every month.

Tip: Mobile marketing messages should include a discount code or a promotional offer. If a customer gets an incentive to check out your site, they will be more likely to do so.

Don't send out a ton of messages every day. More than one a day is overdoing it. You should even try not to send out messages that often. Once a week is probably going to be your best bet, because that gives people time to read your message and respond to it if they want to. If you don't get a lot of responses from a message you send out, realize that people have probably read it and just weren't interested. The worst thing to do when people ignore your marketing messages is to send it over and over again thinking they will eventually buy something.

Tip: Use a Multimedia Messaging Service to send out coupons to get new customers or to reward your current customers. You can include certain promotional codes with the coupons that you send out.

Look to your competition for ideas, but don't plagiarizer anything. Sign up for a couple of mobile marketing campaigns that other people are running that are similar to yours. See what kinds of things they offer to their customers and see how they schedule their messages. Make sure that the company is one that is doing well so that you can figure out exactly what it takes to be successful yourself. This is a great way to get some insight into how people like to be treated when they're being marketed to.

The above advice is something that you should take into consideration when you're developing a mobile marketing campaign. It's not going to be easy at first, but some of your stress should be taken away since you know what to do now. Get out there and do some work and you should see it pay off in no time.

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