Knowhow-Now Article

Spiral Of Manifestation

The "Spiral of Manifestation" is a powerful, energy-based technique that assists you in getting "unstuck". It is a wonderful tool that you can access at any time and in any circumstance.

Tip: With regards to personal development in the professional field, make sure that you do not engage yourself in any negative banter within the office. This is important because word will get around and any sort of negative talk will be poison to your career.

The Law of Attraction dictates that when energy goes out, it comes back in the same form. This is not a new theory, just one that has not been fully understood or mastered. Our thoughts and energetic patterns create our reality. Yet, are we fully aware of what we are thinking and what type of energy we are putting out? On a surface level you may "think" you are doing one thing- but on another, more powerful level- something else is actually going on. This is what creates distortions in our energy fields and causes our own power of manifestation to be stagnant. To illustrate this theory, let’s look at a couple of examples.

Tip: With personal development make sure that you are not working harder to not do any work at all. This is important because many people try to avoid what seems hard, but in avoiding it they end up doing twice the amount of work or time than if they were to tackle the original problem head on.

You want to attract a romantic partner into your life. This is a very deep desire and something that you want with all of your heart. So, you set out to accomplish this goal using spiritual principles. You use affirmations, write out a list of what you desire in a partner, light some candles and pray. On the "surface" level this seems as if it is a very positive exercise. But, for a moment- let's look at what could be happening behind the scene- on a deeper level in your energy field. What are your "true" thoughts? Why hasn't the relationship manifested? What is the hold up?
The reality is at the current moment you do not have a relationship in your life. You are lonely. When you roll over at night- there is nobody there to hold you. You go out and see all these happy couples walking around and it causes you to feel sad and envious.

Tip: Come up with a personal definition of what time means to you. It sounds weird at first to consciously think about time, yet this is one of the most important factors of personal development.

You create a "battle" or distortion of energy. You keep saying and trying to think one thing- yet, another reality is showing up in your life. If you find this happening- just understand that you have some thought forms and energetic patterns that are stuck. This is creating "neutrality".

Tip: Making time in your daily schedule for yourself is important for personal development. Working for others is common - even, in some cases, very noble - but in order to see success in a personal development routine, one must set aside some personal time to work towards that success.

The first thing to do in this case is to be realistic. There are over 6 billion people currently living on the planet! There is someone there for you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself that only adds to the distortion. Be happy for other people that they have found an appropriate mate for themselves. You just have not met the right person yet. Period.

Tip: Clink that change into a jar every night. Are you struggling with financial problems? Most of us are.

Use the "spiral of manifestation" to dissolve all the blocks in your energy field. When you start to feel the sad feelings come over you- visualize a beautiful spiral of energy. It can be any color or size you desire. I see it as a tornado shaped energy field. I like to see it in a luminous silver or white color because that represents purity. Just allow it to dissolve the sadness. Do not attempt to direct the energy in any way. Just allow the experience. Let the spiral cleanse and purify whatever feelings come up. Let your thoughts flow. The Creative Power of the Universe does not need your assistance. Trust in your own higher self and the unlimited power of creation to take you through this process. Let go. The Creator knows what you want and what you need. You must trust that. Get out of your own way.

Tip: When trying to achieve goals and improve yourself, it is important to consider yourself holistically, which means, as a whole person. As a human being, you are made up of a physical body, as well as your mind.

Another example of this theory is that of Prosperity. You, like everyone else, wants great things. You want to be able to pay your bills and have lots of extra money left over to buy what you want. You want to provide for your family now and in the future. So, this is the goal- to increase our prosperity.
You begin doing affirmations, thinking positive and visualizing what you desire to happen. After about a week of affirmations and positive thinking- guess what? You are still broke! You just got paid and it is gone! But, you keep on saying your affirmations. The battle begins. What we are doing is not working. Why? It is not working because there is an energetic conflict. We get angry, "I keep saying all these affirmations and thinking positive thoughts and I still do not have any money". Are you really thinking positive thoughts? What is going on in your mind? Do you believe what you are saying? The anger takes us out of the natural flow.

Tip: A great way to develop yourself is to try experimenting as much as you can. Don't be one of those people who watches things happen; make things happen! Experimenting with different ideas allows you to come up with better ones! Once you have come up with these better ideas, you can apply them to achieve a higher quality in whatever you are doing.

First, be realistic! There is unlimited abundance everywhere! There is no lack! The lack resides in your mental programming. Change how you see things. When you find yourself overcome with fear about not being able to pay your bills and the money you need is just not there- call the "spiral of manifestation". See it enter your energy field- cleansing away all distortion and un-truths. Soon you will find many wonderful ideas on how you can manifest prosperity. Creativity will flow and new and exciting opportunities will present themselves to you.

Tip: Build your self confidence through practice! Whether you are a musician learning a new song or a child learning how to ride a bicycle, practice is a critical part of your development. Practice assures us that we can accomplish the desired task.

Open yourself up to the Unlimited Creative Power of the Universe. Remember, there is no lack or limitation of any kind. That applies for personal relationships, money, health etc. Being in a “stuck” space uses a great deal of energy- it blocks your ability to create and causes fatigue. Once your energy field is free of blocks and distortions- you will feel more energized and creative. Use the "spiral of manifestation" to clear your mind and energy so you can receive the unlimited blessings that are available to you.

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