Knowhow-Now Article

Steps To Improve Your Mobile Marketing Strategy

Mobile marketing is the latest popular channel in marketing. Everyday, more and more people are using their mobile devices to conduct their daily activities. They no longer have to sit at their desks to read email, pay bills online, do shopping, or any number of things that they used to do at their desktop computers. Their mobile devices enable them to stay connected with their social circle and businesses, no matter where they happen to be. They can pay their online bills while watching their child's softball game. They can check the schedule for the next train during their commute. As a marketer, you have a great opportunity to deliver your marketing messages to your subscribers at just the right time. If you want to learn some tips on improving your mobile marketing strategy, read the following article for some suggestions.

Tip: It pays to have a dedicated short code. This can be expensive, but it protects your brand.

The messages that you send to your mobile users should have a personal touch to them. Address them by their names. If you are sending messages out en masse, you can usually configure your message to insert your subscribers name in the greeting field. Your message should be personal, but nothing that sounds like privacy invasion. Mobile marketing is good for sending out notifications about special promotions and discounts that only mobile users have privy to.

Tip: You should create a mobile app of your own. Doing so will prompt customers to check your app for new promotions and sales.

When you are inviting people to subscribe to your mobile messages, you should make the opt-in process a two-step process. After the mobile user fills out the brief form to subscribe, send an auto-responder with a link that he has to click on to confirm the opt-in. This weeds out any accidental subscription request that you might receive. Too often, mobile users get messages, but they claim that they do not recall signing up for it. If the sign-up process has two steps, it is unlikely that any intent to subscribe is accidental. This protects you from being accused of spamming.

Tip: Remember who you are talking to if you are going to make phone calls, they are people whose lives you are interrupting. Take this into account.

Along with a way to subscribe, you should also provide instructions to unsubscribe. A lot of times, people avoid subscribing because they think they will get stuck on a list forever. If they see an easy way to unsubscribe, they will more willing to try a subscription because they can easily unsubscribe whenever they want to.

Tip: As a method of enticing customers and expanding your branding, try QR codes. For sharing coupons, promotions and/or discounts, nothing is better than QR codes.

Be very clear to your subscribers that their privacy will be protected. Reassure them that you will not share their information with anyone not associated with your company. People are tired of getting junk mail and messages that clog up their phones. They need to be reassured that signing up with you will not start a chain of junk messages that they have trouble stopping.

Tip: You should get as much data as you can about your target audience with mobile marketing. Only by gathering relevant demographic and marketing data can you tailor your campaigns so that the recipients will be interested in them.

Solicit feedback from your subscribers. Find out their level of satisfaction with the messages that they are getting from you. Do they want to see other content? Do they like the special promotions? Use their feedback to make your messaging even better.

If you use mobile marketing responsibly, you can improve your customer relationships. Always be customer-focused first, and these relationship will be strengthened.

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