Knowhow-Now Article

One of my favorite things about working on accounting websites is the challenge of figuring out individual clients' target audience. Every CPA business is unique, and a site needs to be designed to bring in that particular practice's prospective clients. There is a rather loose "standard". I use a starting template with this in mind. It's not cost effective to start from scratch with every website. If I didn't use a starting template each set-up would cost thousands of dollars. I have to start somewhere. But in every case it's necessary to modify the template to suit the business.

The really fun sites are designed to a more specific audience, and of course these sites require a lot more work. There aren't many unusual accounting archetypes I haven't already built websites for, but the diversity of specialty firms continues to surprise me. Some are pretty common. Construction accounting websites lead the pack, followed closely by bilingual sites. Many accounting website designs focus on a particular industry specialty. Hotels and restaurants are common. I've also designed specialty sites for accounting firms specialized in car dealerships, vineyards, funeral homes, and many others. CPAs with a CFP have particularly strict guidelines they must follow.

So... Step One... Identify your target market. This will allow you designer to add content and write copy that will appeal to your prospects. This is actually pretty easy to do. A lot of web designers just don't bother. The big advantage to having an industry specialty is that the client doesn't need to teach you her business. Illustrate this by using common problems the owners of these businesses face as talking points. Let me use my own business as an example. My target audience is accounting firms, so unlike other website providers I increase my support hours during tax season and make it a point to set your account up in such a way that I don't need to contact you between January and April.

Make your site a friendly place. Don't get me wrong. You want a nice site, just be careful that you don't go over the top and make it intimidating. People have a natural fear of strangers. If you give your site a friendly feel people will have a much easier time overcoming their anxieties and picking up the phone. Don't write too smartly. An average small business owner reads at about a sixth grade level. If you write over your prospect's head you'll very likely leave them feeling frustrated, confused, or (worse yet) stupid. I'm the best in the business and even my websites need a little work out of the box. You'll notice the templates have lots of pictures of skinny, beautiful people in business suits. Replace them with real pictures of yourself and your staff. The stock photos help me sell websites, but it's much better to have real pictures that people can relate to. You don't need to be pretty. All that matters is that you be there. It gives people a sense of empowerment to feel like they know you before they call, and pictures can help them in this respect.

You should know your target audience right from the start. Before you even create the first line of code take a few moments to appreciate who your accounting website design is going to focus on. Add pages that caters to your likely clientele. Stay focused on your clients and you'll find visitors will respond better to your website.

Brian O'Connell is the President and founder of CPA Site Solutions, one of North America's leading website firms oriented exclusively to accounting website design.

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