Knowhow-Now Article

Looking after your teeth is about more than just a nice smile, though there are clear aesthetic as well as health benefits to cleaning and flossing on a regular basis. If you don't take care of your teeth, gums and mouth, you could be putting yourself at high risk of a number of medical problems developing.

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, for two minutes each time, is the most fundamental part of daily oral health care, as this will help to clear away food particles that can feed bacteria and lead to the development of plaque, which wears away the enamel of teeth and causes cavities. These cavities can make eating painful, and also expose more sensitive parts of your mouth to disease. When brushing, angle and rotate the brush to achieve total coverage and remove as much food as possible from your teeth and gums, and brush after meals to reduce the amount of damage caused by plaque by-products.

Many people do not floss regularly, but this activity can be highly effective for cleaning the parts of your teeth that cannot be reached during brushing. Flossing should be carried out each time you brush your teeth, and can also be useful after eating particularly sticky foods, such as peanut butter and caramel. Your tongue can be another breeding ground for bacteria that transmits to teeth through saliva, and this can make using a tongue scraper a great way of removing more plaque and freshening your breath.

If you use mouthwash, look for products that contain fluoride, as this can help to strengthen the enamel of teeth. Like toothpaste, mouthwash should not be swallowed, and you should follow the directions from the manufacturer detailed on the bottle to ensure maximum effectiveness. Another important aspect of oral health care is to keep up with regular visits to the dentist, as often as your dentist recommends. You can avoid paying expensive fees for treatments by taking out dental cover, which may also be offered by employers as part of benefits packages.

Prevention is always a preferable option to treatment, of course, and you can reduce the need to visit the dentist for more than just a check-up when you take steps to improve your diet and avoid sugary and sticky foods that contribute to tooth decay. Replacing chocolate and sweets with healthier snacks can also have long term benefits for your teeth.

The author of this article is a part of a digital marketing agency that works with brands like Bupa. The views and opinions expressed within this article belong to the writer and any reference or summary of Bupa Health Information Factsheets or product information is that of the writers and does not represent Bupa or the information contained within the Bupa website. The contents of this article are of a general nature only and do not constitute specific advice.  This article does not take into account your circumstances or needs and must not be relied upon in place of appropriate professional advice.

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