Knowhow-Now Article

What if you could read everyone's thoughts? Would you really want to?

I believe that you CAN read everybody's thoughts but have repressed the ability for two reasons: Firstly, you felt overwhelmed at the onslaught of all the neurotic thinking happening around you, secondly you did not want to open because it would mean others could read your thoughts too. You are then sitting at the table and you sense people thinking:

"He's stupid"

"How do I look?"

"Why is he looking at her?"

"Will he like me?"

"What does he think of me?"

"What an asshole"

"When will I be promoted?"

"Am I wasting my time?"

"These are nice people"

"Who am I?"

"Do they notice?"

"I need to say the right thing"

"I wish I could have him"

"I'm the best"

"I'm better than them"

"This should be interesting"

99% of all communication is non-verbal. That's a fact. What scientists haven't figured out yet but will in the future, is that none of this non-verbal communication is actually hidden. Even if you repress it, you can still sense it, at a subaware level or see it through body-language, eye-communication, smell, posture, attitude, behavior. We cannot hide who we are and what we are thinking because our thoughts translate into actions. Our actions and behaviors and even subtleties such as gestures reveal our thoughts. Here is something that might at first feel uncomfortable to you or be seen as bad news but that will, once it sinks in, be very liberating:


If you thought you were hiding your concern about your weight, financial situation, longing for a certain person, your boredom with them or whatever else you thought you were hiding: You are not! They KNOW. Some of them know it consciously, some of them know it unconsciously. If for example you cheated on your spouse, the slightest pang of guilt sends an energy-vibration over to him/her and is immediately received as their "intuition" or "a hunch". They will either repress it into subaware layers of their consciousness or they will confront you about it.

If you are giving a lecture and radiating the thought-emotion "people might be bored by this. Maybe this is boring to them"...guess what's going to happen? The vibration will influence your voice and behavior and you will radiate boredom all over the room and people will indeed start getting bored!

99.99% if what you communicate you communicate without ever saying anything. Through who you are and what you do you communicate. Through your eyes, body and moods you communicate. What are you communicating? Your true intentions. And EVERYBODY can see them, consciously or subconsciously. And if you pay attention, you can see their intentions too.

So let's say you had an important meeting to negotiate a deal and it failed. Examine the thoughts you had surrounding the subject and the person you were meeting. If you secretly thought "What an idiot he is" or "Does he like me?" it's no wonder you failed. No wonder at all. Yes, it's a mystery to most people, but if we were to examine the thought-fields they emanate, we would clearly understand and see why they can't possibly succeed.

Our non-verbal communications are a source of unconscious self-sabotage because we don't realize that people can read our thoughts. We think we can safely go "What a freaking idiot" and get away with it. A thought may not be as intense as your words, but it's still being picked up by the other.

There are several ways to approach this problem. One of them is to simply become aware of the ever-babbling mind and how it labels people. Notice your neighbor. Notice how you label your neighbor. Examples:

"Really sweet person"

"I want to avoid him"

"His lengthy conversations are tiring"

"He is attracted to me"

"I am attracted to him"

Neutral(no opinion about neighbor)

The first label of the list need not be de-created, it's a friendly label that will make him smile when he runs across you. How many people smile who run across you? That an indicator of what kind of inner labels of people you are running around with. The thought-wave "I want to avoid him" will not only be sensed by him but create that you meet him more often. So if you feel that you have that label, breathe it in and retreat your attention back to the self prior to having created that label. Did you get that? Just pull back from that label or allow yourself to view the neighbor without it. If you want, replace it with the thought "He is a funny person". See what kind of interaction that thought-wave creates. Same with "his lengthy conversations are tiring". Whether or not "He is attracted to me" is helpful or not, depends on what you want to achieve. If you actually want to get closer to him, then "he is attracted to me" is much more helpful than "I am attracted to him". Are you getting this? I just told you the secret to Flirt. Most people have the thought "I want him/her" instead of "He/She wants me". Guess who will succeed? And finally, if you are in a no-opinion state, you are perceiving reality and will most likely pick up their true level of energy and their thoughts. When you are in neutral-mode your telepathic and empathetic abilities are the highest. Why? Because you are not preoccupied with all the "stuff" that normally goes on in the mind.

Don't take this as an invitation to try to control your thoughts every step of the way. You can't do that and that's no fun. Instead, take it as an invitation to become more aware of your conscious, half-conscious and subconscious labels toward people and how they affect your interaction with them. Learning this can take several years, but it's well worth it if it's life-mastery you are into.

You can also take up consciousness coaching to help you understand this deeper.

About The Author : - Reality Creation Coaching provides the complete information on spiritual nlp and success. Download visualization & meditation audio from here.

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