Knowhow-Now Article

As with any insurance policy, finding health insurance can be tricky. That's because most people want to find an affordable quote from a reputable insurance provider that offers the full extent of cover they need for their individual health requirements. In the 21st century, the breadth of insurance comparison websites available on the internet means that it's easier than ever before to find a competitive health insurance quote. However, it's important not to sacrifice the cover you need for a lower price - here are a few tips on how to find the right health insurance policy for you and your family.

First, write down a list of what you hope to get out of health cover. For some people, having private health insurance means a quicker route to medical treatment and avoiding long NHS queues to see a GP. For others, it means access to state-of-the-art treatment and comprehensive aftercare if they contract a terminal illness, like cancer, in the future. Some parents may wish to include their children in their cover, and yet more may only seek insurance for basic health procedures like dental and optical care, rather than GP visits and hospital stays. So it's important to first establish what you want from health insurance before starting your search.

Once you're aware of your requirements, visit an insurance comparison website or speak directly to an insurance broker and tell them your needs. Many insurers will get back to you with a quote within 24 hours. So, within a day, you should have enough quotes available to you to then make your choice. Seek help from an insurance expert if you need it and don't simply go for the cheapest option. Instead, read reviews of the insurers from whom you have quotes and decide which offer the best service for the most competitive quote. If you're still undecided, speak to friends or family members with health insurance and ask them for their tips, but bear in mind that their health needs may be different from your own.

Once you've decided on a health insurance policy that's right for you, make sure that you fill out your application truthfully to the best of your ability. Seemingly small untruths - such as how many units of alcohol you drink per week, or how many cigarettes you smoke - may count as insurance fraud. By being honest about your health and your medical history, you won't have to worry that any future claims you make on your health insurance policy will be rejected.

The author of this article is a part of a digital marketing agency that works with brands like Bupa. The views and opinions expressed within this article belong to the writer and any reference or summary of Bupa Health Information Factsheets or product information is that of the writers and does not represent Bupa or the information contained within the Bupa website. The contents of this article are of a general nature only and do not constitute specific advice.  This article does not take into account your circumstances or needs and must not be relied upon in place of appropriate professional advice.

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