Knowhow-Now Article

Rising obesity levels and other health concerns have brought greater focus to dieting in recent years than ever before, but many people are still reluctant to embark on diets for fears that they will not be able to eat their favourite foods or will need to make large scale changes to their lives. However, there are many less severe steps you can take to improve your diet without having to give up too much, which can add up to significant health benefits in the long term.

If you often skip meals in the hope of reducing your calories, this could have the effect of slowing your metabolism, meaning you actually hold onto calories for longer. Breakfast is the meal most likely to be skipped by busy people, but it can also be the most damaging to miss as the calories consumed at this pivotal time of the morning can help your body function better throughout the day. You might also consider switching your early morning cup of coffee for tea, as the flavonoids contained in many types of tea are powerful antioxidants, which can help your body fight off diseases.

You may know other dieters who obsess over calories and although calorie counting can be effective when stringently applied, in reality people rarely achieve the results they hope for. An easier and less stressful option can be to check that around one quarter of your plate contains lean protein, another quarter contains whole grain pastas, brown rice or potatoes and the remaining 50 per cent is comprised of vegetables. You could also reduce your appetite in the long term by physically reducing the size of your tableware, buying smaller plates that cannot hold as much.

When it comes to between-meals snacks, it's important to make a clear distinction between 'snacks' and 'treats' - as the latter are not usually nourishing. You don't have to deny yourself treats completely, but replacing daily treats with healthier snacks and reserving treats for special occasions could help you get out of bad habits that could be negatively affecting your health as well as increasing your private health insurance premiums.

Carbonated drinks that contain sugar can also contribute to weight gain, so switching to diet options is recommended. Drinking plenty of water is important for your overall health, including weight loss, boosting energy levels and keeping your skin healthy. Around eight to ten glasses per day is often recommended for adults.

The author of this article is a part of a digital blogging team who work with brands like PruHealth. The content contained in this article is for information purposes only and should not be used to make any financial decisions.

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