Knowhow-Now Article

Top 5 Sites For Social Media Marketing

Social media is sweeping the internet as the next big and important think when it comes to reaching out to customers and potential customers and improving brand image. Many new social medial sites pop up all the time but they donít always make it in the mainstream. Some of the most profound sites for social media marketing that simply cannot be overlooked include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus and Slideshare.


Tip: Be very careful before you employ the services of marketing companies who specialize in social media. Many of these types of companies are fraudulent and scam business owners that are inexperienced in Internet marketing.

The days of using Facebook simply to connect with family and friends have changed. Today, Facebook is used by businesses to create strong brand image, to shed light on new products or services, to promote a brand and to become more involved with potential customers and clients as well as with existing customers. Facebook is one social media marketing site that many businesses are now using on a daily basis to help improve the online presence and brand image while learning about customer needs along the way.


Tip: Understand the importance of conversation and dialogue. Too many social media plans ignore the fact that in this field, customer feedback can be the start of an extended conversation.

Who would have thought that something so simpleósaying what you want to say in 140 characters or lessówould take off so far? With millions of users and hundreds of millions of tweets being sent out each day, Twitter is a must be place for social media marketing. Many companies choose to use more than one Twitter profile so that they are able to interact with customers, potential customers, other members of the company and other areas of the social world on different levels.


Tip: Use the one-two punch of email marketing and social media marketing. When you send out a marketing email, be sure to include links to your Facebook and Twitter pages at the end of the email.

A picture says a thousand words right? So why not post hundreds of pictures for the world to see? This social media marketing site is especially great for companies that are selling products that are best visualized as well as for those in the travel, food and restaurant or entertainment industry. Pinterest allows you to post images of whatís happening in your business, what you like, what youíre doing or pretty much anything you wantófor the world to see!

Google Plus

Tip: Ensure you select solid titles when posting videos onto social networks or YouTube. They should include keywords that improve their chances of being seen when your potential clients are searching for information.

Social media marketing probably wouldnít be complete if Goolge didnít at least have some say in what goes on! Google Plus is a relatively new social media site but itís quickly sweeping the net. Letís face it, Google likes to rank sites that are in their network and Goolge Plus is just that! Google Plus is very similar to Facebook and some of the other social media sites allowing users to create Circles and groups of friends, colleagues, or followers who share in similar interests.


Social media marketing isnít only about sharing your latest event or photoófor businesses, Slideshare provides a way to showcase to the world what they are talking about. Slideshare is a platform that allows users to post their presentation slides for others to see and to share. Marketers and business owners who are passionate about a particular subject can create a presentation on the subject, post the slides to Slideshare and portray their message to all who want to see. Slideshare is fun for mixing interactive messages, photos, slides and presentations into the social media marketing mix.

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