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Unspoken Communications For Face To Face Network Marketing

While many of your sales messages depend on your ability to communicate effectively in spoken and written words, there are many unspoken messages that you send that can influence how people react to you in network marketing. Use the suggestions below for creating your own checklist of ways you can communicate to your audience to buy without ever saying a word.

Tip: The requirements of your customers needs to be the number one focus in network marketing. You will not stay in business if you fail to please your customers.

Be prompt for all appointments. This communicates respect and the fact that you take your job seriously. Since many network marketing opportunities are advertised as easy ways to earn a supplemental income, many people do not take network marketers seriously.

Tip: Use the most successful marketers in your field as examples. By following their example, you can learn from the mistakes they made and the dangers they encountered.

Do your homework about your products. When you arrive at customer meetings you should always have samples of product, where appropriate, and manufacturer information about products for potential customers to examine.

Tip: Network marketing utilizes individuals already within your own firm to make contacts and form a larger network of helpful business partners. Obviously a team of affiliates will be able to spread the word about your business faster and wider than you could alone.

Make sure that your phone is on mute or turned off when you have customer meetings to avoid interruptions from ringing or beeping that indicate to a customer that they are not your top priority.

Dress appropriately so that your customers know that you take your job seriously. You should also dress appropriately when you attend meetings with other network marketers for your company to communicate your commitment to professionalism.

Tip: Market the hardest with people you do not know since this will bring new funds to you. Your goal should be to get new customers and solid leads.

Choose a container for carrying your materials, whether it is a briefcase or a satchel or a portfolio for papers that provide ample room for each item you intend to show to your potential customer. Network marketing products frequently have a reputation for being over-priced and the way you present the product reflects its value. Since your price is not negotiable, you want to communicate the value of the product as the reason for a given price. For instance, if you were selling jewelry, having earrings on cards in a bag would communicate less value than having each pair in a box.

Do not wear religious jewelry unless your religion is associated with what you're selling. While you want to personalize a message, you don't want to turn off potential customers.

Tip: Look into hiring professionals with experience in other fields of work. Salespeople, especially those on a commission-only compensation plan, generally work hard and don't have to adjust to the idea that getting results produces higher rewards.

Send non-verbal cues that a meeting is coming to an end whether you're meeting with customers or recruits. When you set up meetings for a specific time and for a specific duration, make sure you keep track of that time and begin putting items away five minutes before the end of the meeting. This non-verbal cue that the meeting is ending should precede any final words you're using to try to make the sale.

Tip: If something goes wrong in your network marketing campaign, you can use that information to do better next time. Write down the areas you failed at, and understand why it happened.

Have two copies of written material where possible so that if a potential customer or recruit is looking at a catalog or other material you don't have to look at the material over that person's shoulder. Two copies of material will also enable you to maintain boundaries of personal space without having to pass the materials back and forth.

Network marketing that includes face-to-face interaction can successfully improve your bottom line if you master non-verbal communications that send positive messages to your audience. Use the above suggestions to create a checklist of ways you can improve your non-verbal communications in network marketing.

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