Knowhow-Now Article

Just as many broadband users today can barely conceive of a time before fast speeds were readily available and the majority of internet customers had to rely on dial-up modems for their internet use, homes and businesses that are upgrading to new fibre optic broadband today may soon look back on standard broadband connections in the same light.

Fibre optic broadband is not simply a luxury or vanity for people who desire faster speeds from their internet connections, however - it may soon be viewed as a necessary requirement. Although most broadband connections today are more than capable of handling basic internet requirements - such as checking emails, visiting web pages and using social networks - the increasing complexity of online content could soon put many of these services out of reach of people who have not yet upgraded their connections to handle greater amounts of bandwidth.

If you regularly download or upload large files, stream online video or play online games, you may already be experiencing problems such as slow loading times and other issues, which are likely to be entirely due to limitations with your broadband connection rather than your computer's physical hardware. Installing fibre optic broadband will allow you to achieve the speeds necessary to carry out these tasks, as well as enjoy more reliable connectivity and less risk of server downtime.

Fibre optic broadband is already a reality and a standard part of life for people in many countries worldwide, and if targets are achieved in the UK, superfast broadband is predicted to be accessible by 40 per cent of the nation in 2012, allowing millions of people to benefit from speeds much greater than the typical 20mbps served by standard broadband lines. This will be of particular benefit to businesses, which are using more online services all the time - from hosting corporate websites to making VoIP calls and video conferencing. With fibre to the premises (FTTP) broadband, larger businesses with many employees can achieve greater scalability and the freedom to grow their online services.

Some people may be hesitant about upgrading to fibre optic broadband until prices are driven down by greater competition, or because of past experience of broadband connections becoming obsolete over time. However, industry experts have certified fibre broadband as 'future-proof,' due to its high capabilities and potential for further development, ensuring that these type of connections will remain the world standard for home and business users for many years to come.

Bruce Giles writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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