Knowhow-Now Article

Vegetarianism And Infants

Without a doubt, parents want to make the best possible decisions when it comes to teaching their kids how to grow up right. With all of the studies that have been conducted regarding the healthiness of a vegetarian diet, wouldn’t it be a great idea to set a positive example for your children and help them to adopt a healthy lifestyle? In addition to the many different health benefits that vegetarianism and veganism can have for an individual, it is also helpful when it comes to keeping the environment clean. In this article, we’ll give you some tips that can make it easier for you to have a vegetarian or vegan family.
One great way of helping your child to start off their life as a vegan is to feed them with breast milk. It is one of the first vegan foods that a child can tolerate, and if you are a vegetarian woman yourself, odds are your breast milk contains far fewer toxins such as DDT than the breast milk of a meat-eating woman. When you are breast feeding your child as a vegetarian, you need to ensure that you are getting enough vitamin B12 which normally comes from meat products but can be supplemented in a number of different ways.
Once your child is getting to the point where they can eat solid foods, you should begin to feed them cereal. Opt for an iron-rich infant rice cereal which should be available at your local supermarket. It can be mixed with breast milk or soy milk in order for the baby to be able to eat it easier. Once the child has become used to eating the cereal, you may want to begin introducing various fruits, as well as fruit juices and vegetables. Be sure to give them new foods one-at-a-time in order to identify any allergies that may occur. Applesauce, mashed avocados and bananas may be some foods that you want to start with. Try to avoid citrus fruits until after the child’s first birthday, as they are commonly allergens which could cause your baby to have a reaction. At around seven months, you may want to begin giving your child protein-rich foods in order to aid their development. Opt for tofu products, beans, or soy yogurt as they have a texture that babies will readily appreciate while being full of protein. After your child is at least a year old, you can begin to offer foods such as peanut butter in order to easily meat their protein needs.
If you don’t have the time to prepare fresh vegan meals for your infant, you may be relieved to know that they do commercially make vegan baby foods. Be sure to check the labels of these types of foods, however, in order to ensure that the ingredients meet your specifications for your child.
Without a doubt, starting your child out on a vegan diet will set a powerful precedent for the years to come. With heart disease being the number one cause of death in the United States and a vegan diet being one of the only ways to avoid contracting the disease, you are definitely making the right decision for your child’s health.

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