Knowhow-Now Article

War Against Writer's Block: Tips And Tricks

You've been posting away on your blog, tapping on all of the topics your readers find interesting, and then you hit an impasse. You can't think of something new to write about, but you don't want to start posting on the same old topics. What is a blogger to do? Thankfully, there are many options available to you which can break down that writer's block and open you up to new ideas.

If you have a very focused niche, broaden your horizons. Step a little outside of the box you normally stay within. For example, if you write about natural baby products, consider also talking about environmentally friendly baby furniture, paint, or flooring. If your blog is focused on healthy recipes, write a post about a natural and healthy food product available in stores. You could also write about safe utensils and plates, the proper way to wash your pots and pans, or natural alternatives for dish soap. Once you step outside of the box just a bit, your world will truly open up. You'll suddenly see millions of new ideas to write on, and your audience will be pleased to read about all of them.

Tip: When you are writing a blog, leave time to respond to your reader comments or inquiries. Make a habit out of responding to posts or starting new blogs at specific times.

If that doesn't help, ask your readers what else they want to know. You can ask them on social media or post a survey on your website. Consider holding it as a giveaway and offering a prize to one random entrant as this will nudge people into sharing what they really want to read. Once you have a list of ideas, whittle it down to what you are also interested in writing about. Then you'll have many post ideas which should last you many months into the future.

Keep a pen and paper handy so you can jot down ideas right when you have them. There is nothing worse than having an idea in the kitchen, only to forget it by the time you get to the office. Ideas can come in your dreams, in the bathroom or even when you are out to dinner. If you have the ability to write them down at all times, you'll never lose out on a great blogging idea because you couldn't make a note of it.

Tip: You should make every effort to add new content to your blog regularly. If you want to attract new traffic and keep people returning to read your blog, you must continually offer new content.

Consider doing an interview within your niche. It could be of a professional in the field, a company owner, an expert or another blogger. It doesn't matter who you interview as long as they have something interesting to share and they aren't too far outside of your niche. Being able to provide expert information to your readers allows them, and you, to learn something new they might not have found elsewhere. It also gives yourself the opportunity to cross promote your blog to those who follow that expert.

Now you have many cures for the writer's block which ails you. No matter which works for you, there will be one which leads you to your next post. Try each until you find the winner and then move forward with your new blogging ideas.

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