Knowhow-Now Article

Blown-In Insulation In Your Home: Consider Some Of The Advantages

The new homes that are being constructed have pretty high standards that must be met for energy efficiency. But, that can't be claimed for more mature homes. The best way to make an older property a great deal more energy efficient is to use insulation. It is not easy to accomplish when you have exterior side walls but it can be done with blown-in insulation in your attic. You will notice that your property will be cooler during the summer months and warmer in the winter months. If you live in an old house, you will probably find that the insulation applied is just newspapers.

You will see that insulation technology is quite advanced because of our concern for conserving energy and saving the environment. Materials used for insulation are given an R-value, which is used to determine the amount of insulation needed in any given environment. In areas that get very cold during the winter require insulation with a high R-value while other areas may require just a lower one. Perhaps one of the best products to reduce your heating bill is blown-in insulation. There are many benefits to choosing blown-in insulation rather than the traditional fiberglass insulation including energy efficiency, how it can be used and installation.

Of the top five reasons behind utilizing blown-in insulation, the initial one is that it is adjustable. You can manage the amount of insulation you will need thus varying the R-value. In order to have an R-value of 15, you just simply blow a specific volume of insulation, in the event that you need a higher R-value, just add more insulation. Another reason that blown-in insulation would be the path to take is that the materials are generally virgin so there's less chance of allergies. A firmer seal can be achieved with blown-in insulation, simply because it fills all of the cracks, and empty spaces. The installation is fast, and given that everything is filled in, it is very energy-efficient.

Newly framed houses will have an easy time putting in blown-in insulation. All that you need to do is to staple a netting over the studs of the exterior wall and create a couple of small holes, then place a hose in the hole and fill up the inside with insulation. The insulation material will stick to the studs and will fill up the internal parts of the wall. All you've got to carry out next is to cover the walls with vapor barrier and drywall, then you are done. To perform attic insulation, you drywall the ceiling first then go into the attic and blow it in from there. Its more difficult with older properties since the wall covering will need to be removed. The installation procedure doesn't vary once the wall covering has been stripped. If you live in a very old house, you could just drill a hole in a wall and blow the insulation in, then cover it up.

To begin with, the price tag on blow-in insulation is more expensive, yet it's much more efficient as an energy saver. With lower energy bills and a warmer home, using blown-in insulation makes the most sense.

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