Knowhow-Now Article

What Is Feng Shui And Its Meaning?

To achieve a wonderful existence, balance and harmony must coincide in one’s life. A great amount of time is spent in the work place and the home where energies and emotions can go haywire. Feng shui may help obtain peace if not totally eradicate chaos. So one may ask what is feng shui?

Feng shui is not ”mumbo-jumbo". It has its roots in ancient Chinese practices which packs a lot of sense. It is based on the belief of the presence of chi or energy in the environment. A logical source is the regular occurrence of movement of molecules and atoms; where there’s movement, there’s positive force. Just what is feng shui decorating? It is about the five elements of feng shui in various activity areas in the home, say a feeling of vibrancy in a home office and a relaxing one in a bedroom. These elements are fire, earth, metal, water and wood. The examples to these elements are: red vases and pillowcases (fire), earthenware pots (earth), silver or white table stands (metal), glass objects, white stones (water) and live plants, wooden furniture (wood). A perceptive view of the concepts of Yin (quiet) and Yang (active) energies would guarantee that the elements in a space balance each other and so fosters harmony in the place as positive energy flows freely in the spaces.

At the entrance, green plants, a mirror and side table for things to put down would surely put any guest at ease. An open living area would let in air and light bringing with it its own energies. Decorate with your favorite things but keep at a minimum to avoid clutter. People should be seated to encourage conversation and interaction but always in sight of the door. A mirror can help to achieve the said purpose.

There are steps to take to understand what is feng shui decorating as it must be known and needs to be done slowly, patiently. As the system dwell on energies, it should be able to generate the feeling of ease as one creates the environment long wanted.

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