Knowhow-Now Article

Back in December, Google rolled out the CR-48 to a few lucky test users. It was essentially a prototype of a notebook designed to run on the Chrome operating system. Well, the search company unveiled the real deal at its 2011 I/O Developers Conference recently held in San Francisco. The Google Chromebook comes boasting tons of innovation and perks that make it a solid option for today’s small business.

Apps Galore

Software programs have long played a key role in computing, but they have garnered newfound attention in the digital age. Thanks to the mobile and social channels, apps have taken on a whole new life apart from the everyday applications we regularly use on our computer systems. Whatever device you want them on, apps are critical business tools, and with the Google Chromebook, you get access to a seemingly endless supply. The Chrome-powered notebook is capable of running everything from productivity apps to video editors, enabling small businesses to tap into resources that are off limits to most desktop programs. Throw in full support for HTML 5, and you have a device equipped to deliver the very best of the web experience.

Always Online

When it comes to the Chromebook, one of Google’s main selling points is continuous connectivity. The notebook is always connected to the internet thanks to built-in WiFi with 3G as an option. Users who choose the 3G model receive 100 MB of free mobile data per month from Verizon, Google’s 3G carrier in the U.S. Upon booting up, which supposedly takes just eight seconds, you are automatically connected to your preferred wireless network. Regardless of the connection, having the ability to stay online both in the office and on the road  is a huge luxury for small businesses that thrive on internet communications and web activity.

Offline Productivity

Although the Chrome notebook is built on the concept of constant connectivity, we should all know by now that at least a little down time is inevitable. Not even the mighty Google and its cream of the class of network carriers can promise connectivity when the Wi-Fi is down at the airport, or one of those rare instances when 3G unavailable. Luckily, the Chromebook is prepared to handle situations like this. According to reports, Google Docs, Calendar, and Gmail, which are currently web-based applications, will be able to function offline. Considering that these apps are essential for productivity in many organizations, we see this being another major plus for small businesses who must still operate when connectivity is not available.

If the Google Chromebook has you excited enough to order up a few models for your staff, we hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re going to have to wait a bit longer. Right now, it’s looking like the web-friendly notebook will not be officially shipping out until the middle of June. Til then, we recommend some planning to ensure a successful implementation of Google Chromebook within your organization.


Author Bio:
Nan King, a tech geek and environmentalist at heart, is an advocate of business email marketing strategies that encompass the use of an email marketing company which is permission based.

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