Knowhow-Now Article

What The Heck Is A Legal Malpractice Attorney?

Legal malpractice lawyers are some people's favorite kinds of lawyers – they are lawyers that sue lawyers. Hooray! There are so many lawyers that they actually taking it out on each other now. But seriously, legal malpractice attorneys help clients of lawyers who have been taken advantaged of. These lawyers that can be sued by a legal malpractice attorney can be anything from a tax lawyer to a malpractice insurance attorney.
What Can You Sue Your Ex-Lawyer For?
There are many reasons you can sue your ex-lawyer and have a good chance at winning a case with the help of your legal malpractice attorney. For example, your lawyer is the one responsible for getting all paperwork done before the statue of limitations expires. He or she also shouldn't charge you into preparing for a long case only to discover that the statue of limitations expired ages ago. Charging outrageous fees is also another reason you can sue.
Other reasons include your lawyer breaking the confidentiality that is supposed to exist between a client and attorney. Another is abusing the attorney-client relationship to ask for sexual or any other kind of favor. Your lawyer shouldn’t blab about your case to the press, especially if the case hasn't gone to court yet! You can also sue if the lawyer messed up doing a simple real estate title transaction.
What Your New Lawyer Has To Prove
Many people shy away from seeking the help of a legal malpractice attorney because it involves all of the time and paperwork that goes into any court case. Since you've just probably sat through one case, you probably aren’t eager to put yourself through that ordeal again. But your might not have to go to court, depending on the details of your case. You never know until you and your legal malpractice attorney try.
First, you have to prove that you were a client of your ex-lawyer. Then, you have to prove that it was the ex-lawyer who did the harm to you. For example, if your ex-lawyer breeched a contract, you need to supply a copy of that original contract (at least). You also may need to prove that you were harmed as a direct result of your ex-lawyer's actions.
A lawyer can also be sued for making false promises or lying. "Sure – I'll get you off the hook if you pay me this much. I promise!" Meanwhile, in jail, you can get a good case going with the help of your legal malpractice attorney.

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