Knowhow-Now Article

When Chinese Medicine Makes The Five O’Clock News

In the Western world, Chinese medicine is a bit of an enigma. Surrounded by lore, frequently imbued with mystical powers – usually at the behest of the Hollywood producers – and sometimes utilized to make the squeamish squirm, it is the kind of practice that has its fair share of supporters, detractors, and then those who are unsure. It is the latter set that is frequently swayed by negative reports, warnings, online hoaxes, and of course the time when Chinese medicine makes the five o’clock news.

The latter happened in the month of November, 2007 when a popular tonic made from the famously infamous caterpillar fungus was found to be tainted by microbes. The caterpillar fungus is a bit of an oddity. In Chinese medicine it is considered the perfect example of the harmony that exists between Yin and Yang, since it involves an animal and a plant, albeit a fungus which in the Western understanding is something else entirely but to the Chinese herbalist does not matter.

The caterpillar is of a popular moth living in the Tibetan highlands; prior to pupation it lives underground for about five years where it eats roots. It is during this time period that it is highly susceptible to being infected with a certain fungal spore which takes root inside the caterpillar. As the fungus grows inside the caterpillar, it slowly kills its host until the caterpillar stops moving and dies. It is at this point that the fungus unerringly outgrows the caterpillar mummy from its head and breaks through the soil. It is this visible sign of the fruiting fungus that sends collectors to dig up both caterpillar and fungus.

The uses of the caterpillar fungus are diverse; some use it for overall wellness, since it is the perfect harmony of Yin and Yang. Others specifically believe in its healing powers with regard to virility. Even though there are several countries where import of tonics made from the caterpillar fungus is considered illegal, the underground market is thriving and finding the concoction is not hard.

The danger the unsuspecting user faced from the recently reported microbial contamination is a serious infection which may worsen the ailments the tonic was thought to treat. Since many patients who rely on the medicinal powers of the caterpillar fungus are unlikely to come forward and admit to its use, the serious health related ramifications are enormous and patients are warned to check the batch numbers on the bottles they may have purchased. While this may be of a small effectiveness, the vast majority of these supplements are sold either singly or in discrete envelopes.

When occasions such as these cause Chinese medicine to make the evening news, it gives those not intimately involved in the practice a wrong understanding of the modalities involved. Do not be discouraged if this is you! Instead, seek out the advice of a reputable practitioner of Chinese medicine and gradually ease your way into understanding the philosophy behind the medicinal practices. Within this context you will quickly learn that even if the occasional fluke does happen, it is in now way a reflection on the whole system.

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